Saturday, May 26, 2012

U4/5 practice - week of May 29

I will have you run another week with just your team and then we will do a round of stations next week again.  Next Thursday June 7 will be wacky hair day...please put the word out.  We will do games for the last 15 minutes again this week (see who plays who at the end), same format with horn to move to games and horn to end.

Warm-up/Agility - coach says
start no balls, move to with balls - get them moving and work on some skills, toe taps, shooting, dribbling, tic-tocs, turns etc...
Warm up game:  Cow Dogs  (working on dribbling and defending)

Dribbling review - Fun Island
use the area you always work in

Obstacle course
I'll have the arches out, share them around, but use them to crawl under, dribble through or pass through...add cones to dribble around, a goal to shoot on etc...Dave had a haunted house theme last week which was fantastic, use you imaginations

1 v 1 attack
two goals, have half team on each side line, when you call their names they go and challenge a ball that you roll in, each team having a goal they need to score on

Have the kids just work on throw-in technique.  In pairs just throwing the ball back and forth (don't spend long, but it's important to review this)  
-Two hands on the ball, 
-all the way behind the head
-(TRY) and keep feet on the ground

Turn & Burn
Divide players into two teams – put them in different colored pinnis One team starts on one end of the grid with a ball each. Objective is for players with the ball to dribble towards the players without, who remain stationary. The coach shouts “Turn” and the players with the ball stop, turn and try to dribble back to their starting line. When the players without the ball here the coach shout “Turn” he players without the ball can release and try and steal the balls of the apposing team before they get back over the safe line. Take turns having both teams being attackers/defenders. Do not eliminate players who lose their ball. Let them have another go.
Variations: Introduce specific turns: big toe turn, little toe turn, pull back, etc.

Games:  3v3 - goalies optional
-focus on quick rotation of subs - every 3-4 minutes
-let's try throw-ins if it goes out the side, and just pass/kick ins if it goes out the end.

Tuesday:                                 Thursday:
1 v 4   7 v 10                        1 v 12   4 v 7
2 v 5   8 v 11                        2 v 11   5 v 8
3 v 6   9 v 12                        3 v 10   6 v 9

U6 practice - week of May 29

U6 practice - you will be running your own practices again this week.  I will do another round of stations for next week.  Also next Thursday June 7th will be wacky hair day for players and coaches.  Please put the word out!

Warm up game:  Cow Dogs  (working on dribbling and defending)

Turn and Burn- dribbling with speed
Divide players into two teams – put them in different colored pinnis One team starts on one end of the grid with a ball each. Objective is for players with the ball to dribble towards the players without, who remain stationary. The coach shouts “Turn” and the players with the ball stop, turn and try to dribble back to their starting line. When the players without the ball here the coach shout “Turn” he players without the ball can release and try and steal the balls of the apposing team before they get back over the safe line. Take turns having both teams being attackers/defenders. Do not eliminate players who lose their ball. Let them have another go.
Variations: Introduce specific turns: big toe turn, little toe turn, pull back, etc.

Passing/shooting for accuracy:  Circle game
**Review key coaching points for either passing/shooting technique whichever you use this drill to focus on.

Shooting- Lay off drill
Two lines, facing coach, each player has a ball.  Player passes to coach who lays ball off to one side, player runs onto ball and shoots on net.

Shooting- 1 v 1 to goal
Start with two lines; (Attackers & Defenders) with the attackers slightly ahead of the defenders. The attackers start to dribble with the ball towards goal. Once the attacker is an appropriate distance away, the coach tells the defender to go and put pressure on the attacking player from behind. If defending player wins the ball they try and pass it back to the coach.
Coaches: Allow for offensive success at first and be mindful of the different physical and technical abilities of the players when deciding when to release the defender. Game can be played with or without goalkeeper.

Numbers game: two goals
focus on 1 v 1 attacking, getting past a player.

(coaching points:  attack with speed, keep ball close to you)

Four goal scrimmage....focus on attacking and scoring!  1 goal on each side of grid.  Coach have a stash of balls with you to restart game if ball goes out.

U8 Boys practice - May 29

Focus: Goal keeping session & 1 v 1 attack.

Warm up, let's do a mass split warm up with half on Agility with Kim and half with me to do ball warm up (then switch).  Then we'll move into practice, where you will each work with your own crew (we'll do another round of stations next week).
I'm not sure how the goal keeping will go....I was just going to have each coach bring their crew over for the goal keeping portion....I'll find a wee spot on the field.  I may have to double up teams as time will be an issue.  I will do a basic goal keeping session with the kids...covering the basics including diving.

Fun little game & shooting review all  in one!  Targets
coaching points are in the link

Passing under pressure.  Moving the passing along (remember to review the basics AGAIN!)

1 v 1 attack - pick from the drills below as you see fit or create/use your own
(three adptations of drill below)
drill- (adapt as needed) one line with balls on goal post(defenders), one line without balls about 15 yards out. Have the defender pass ball out to offensive player and then close down for a 1 v 1. Or could have both lines coming from goal (could be numbers game below) and coach roles a ball out players run around cones at 15 yard mark (one cone in line with each post) and then play 1 v 1 (you could establish who is on O and who is on D prior or just whoever gets to the ball first is O. Or have two goals, and have players running from the side lines or each goal (small area 20 yard grid) and the ball gets played into middle by coach and it's one v one each having a goal to score in, one could be a shooting goal and one could be a passing target.
Numbers game - one goal
Set up a small grid with goal at one end. Separate players into 2 teams lined up on each side of goal. Place two cones just a bit further than shooting distance even with corners of goal, and place yourself between with a stash of balls. Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Call out a number. That numbered player on each team must race around the cones into the field where a ball is played. Players are trying to both defend and score on the same net. Encourage celebrations after a goal! Progress to 2 or 3 players. Add a goalkeeper

Defending points
-close down space quickly
-boxer stants and on toes
-keep about 2-3 yards space between you and attacker -so don't commit to ball - jockey
-watch the ball not the player
Attacking points
-attack with speed
-keep ball close

Scrimmage to end!

U8 girls practice week of May 29

Stations again this week, we'll run as we did two weeks ago.  Renee could you blow whistle to switch stations ever 8-10 minutes.

Set up width wise (not length wise as you do for games)....girls front two fields, boys back two fields or it becomes too difficult to hear switches and move efficiently

Warm-up - dribble grid & passing grid with all players.   (Cassie or Riley to run)  (10 minutes)
                - dribbling, inside, outside, storks, tic tocs, turns, fakes,
                - passing- as last week, pass run around cone on outside of grid, receive pass (review passing  points and remind to talk and use the whole grid)

Then have all players return to their coaches to start stations.

Station 1-  agility - Natalie
Donkey Tails
Half the players are given a pinni to tuck into the back of their shorts as a tail. Coach shouts “Go!” players without a tail attempt to grab a tail from the players with one. Once players get a tail they must now avoid having it taken.

Station 2- passing review - Hrvojka
Shuttles....groups of 3/4.  cones about 10 ft apart....2 players on each cone across from each other start with just dribbling across to player in front of line across from them in a continuous shuttle motion, move to dribble part way and pass.  Review passing points!

Station 3- shooting review- Renee
Lay off drill from last week.  Could add a defender, dummy to start.
Review shooting coaching points.

Simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area

Station 4- 1 v 1 attacking - Riley & Cassie

Scrimmage to end.  Have fun!!  Try a scrimmage with allies on the side to promote width in play.
Set up a small field and then use cones to create allies along the wings.  Put one player from each team in the allies or if low numbers, put one player in the wings they must stay in the ally and they play for both teams.  You can't check/attack/tackle the wings in the a safe zone.  Play that in order to shoot on net the team must play a ball out to the wings at least once.  Wings can dribble in the ally.

U10/U13 boys - week of May 29

I will be at your practices this week.  Focus:  1 v 1 (defending) & goal keeping.
With the U13 boys, I am going to work on goal keeping, I will cycle each group through for a short 15 minute goal keeping session, then when you are working on the 1 v 1 drills you can use keepers when there is shooting involved.  Coaches if you could get the lads warmed up and then I will get going pretty quickly with the keeper training.
With the U10 boys, I will work with Corbett and Alan/Sandy/Rory's groups.  We will do a quick warm up with both your groups, where I will run the drill and we will all coach as you know the kids names.  After the warm up we will split off into our teams to work on agility and 1v1, where I will spend time with each group working on basic goal keeping skills and you will then work on 1 v 1 attack using goalies. 
Adrien/Jose and Matthew's groups you'll be working on your own.  If I have time to do some goal keeping with one/both of your groups I will.  We'll cycle through the agility ladders/hurdles as it is availible (ie) jump on whenever it fits.
Warm-up-dribble &/ passing grid.  Probably a little work in pairs doing tap backs in the air like last week is a good idea too (include jumping over a cone or ball for a little agility if you like).  See end of last weeks warm up post for more details.

Agility-ladders and hurdles and cones, use as availible

Shooting mechanics more tips
do a quick shooting drill to review shooting mechanics if you like

Drills for 1 v 1 (coaching points for defending and attack at end of drills section) (choose which you like or create/use your own version)
Kings court
-set up enough grids (slightly longer than wide and not super big 10x15 or so) for each pair
-make the grid on one end the kings court that you're trying to get to
-each grid plays 1 v 1 (keeping score) winners move towards kings court or stay in kings court, loosers move down (hint put weeker players close or in kings court to start so they don't feel stuck in the bottom court the whole time)
-to start, one person passes to partner and then the game is live, pass must be a good pass, person who scores passes it to other person have them switch ends
1v1 with shot
-one line with balls by goal post(defenders), one line 20ish yards out (attackers), defending line passes ball to attackers then it's live (really work on good close down and jockeying).  Ensure good pass to start and have them switch lines.
Win ball drill
-two lines facing net (or coming in from sides at top of 18) (or coming from either side of net) (or coming from behind each goal (make a second goal) coach plays ball in and then it's live 1 v 1
1v1 to goal
gauntlet drill
have the defenders move forward in the gauntlet if they win the ball (attacker goes in the grid as a defender if they lose the ball)

Coaching points
-quick close down
-delay/give space - don't commit- jockey
-watch ball not player
-boxer stance & on toes
-make the attacker make the mistake
-force to outside/weak side if you know it
-go for ball when attacker has pushed ball away from feet

-attack with speed
-keep ball close
-attack weak side if you know it
-try and catch them flat footed
-exploit them if too close

Defending tips/points

Fun offensive moves you could teach

Scrimmage - allies scrimmage for width if you like (create allies along each sideline where a wing player plays{if short on numbers have one wing player who plays for both teams ie. whichever team passes them the ball they go that way} can't tackle the ally players, must play to allies in order to score

U13 girls practice - week of May 29

This weeks focus skill is shooting.  I also want to spend a little time on goal keeping.  I am going to work with Amanda/Erica and Gerald's groups for goal keeping and shooting this week.  Next week I will work with  Kevin & Randy's groups for goal keeping and 1 v 1.  As I don't think I will get to everyone....but I will try.  (Randy, if you want to move to 1 v 1 as you covered shooting this week, please do check the U10 boys if you want some drill ideas).  I plan to cover the basics of goal keeping including diving....I plan to work with all the girls in your groups as sometimes they don't know that they like goal, and this way everyone has a basic set of skills.  Plan to keep the goalie sessions to 15ish minutes and then you can work the goalies into the shooting drills is my thinking.  Coaches if you could get girls warmed up and then I'll get things going pretty quickly.  The first three links below review the mechanics of shooting if you need a refresher.

Warm up:  Quick Dribble grid 3-5 minutes then in that same grid move to passing...split groups into two teams each team with a ball.  Number the players on each team and then have them moving around the grid passing in number order, ie 1 to 2 passes to 3 to 4 to 1 to 2 etc...then have them go backwards 4 to 3 to 2 etc... working on cutting to the ball and calling with purpose (support, through etc...) also work on opening up to the field of play as you receive the pass so you know where your next pass is.  If they are really on top of it, play with only one ball and move so one team is defending...always working in number order if your team has the ball.  So everytime there is a turnover they must start the number order from whoever wins or has the ball if it is 3 they are looking for 4 etc...  (this is an excellent drill for many aspects of the game, you will likely find a number of teachable moments just from how play evolves.
Last part of warm up, in pairs, about 2 metres apart each with a ball.  One player is the server, the other player is the person, striking ball.  Aim to strike ball served/lobbed to partner back to partners hands.   (Optional agility component:  Player striking the ball jumps sideways over their ball before receiving next serve)....Person striking the ball, works 5 on each foot side of foot (then switch roles) then 5 on each foot working the touch back to partners hands (ball always in the air)...starting to prepare for shooting...hitting on the laces.

Agility:  Try just cones for agility this week...keep the session short but snappy.  You might try a line of cones (about 2feet apart) per pair of players (or per two pairs).  One player on each side of the cones one who is the leader and the other who is following trying to mimic follow exactly what the leader is doing for 30 seconds and then switch the leader and the follower.  Start side shuffle so they are facing each other and the leader is shuffling side to side as fast as possible moving to whichever cone but it needs to be a different cone each time.  Then go backwards and forwards.  Have them switch partners.  Remind them to have quick feet and not cross their feet when shuffling sideways.  Quick dynamic stretching focussing on quads, hamstrings and groins.

Skill focus shooting mechanics
Coaching points:
-planting foot pointing at the target
-planting foot next to ball if too far back, ball will go up because you will be forced to lean
-striking ball with inside laces, toe pointed down ankle locked
-knee over ball (of striking foot)
-shoulder over the ball (head down as striking)
-quick snap and follow through
-always strike a moving  ball

skill focus:  shooting
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area

can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)

skill focus: shooting (good warm up for pre games too)
4 corner shooting drill

skill focus:  shooting under pressure
2v2 game

Scrimmage:  try a 4 goal scrimmage to promote attacking and shooting the ball for something different

Set up a 20m x 20m grid with 4 goals in the middle of each side. Select two teams consisting of equal numbers. Call out 2 or 3 players from each team to run onto the field and play against each other and try and score in any one of the four goals until the coach says stop. At which time both groups return to their place behind the goal line and the coach calls another group to play. If the ball goes out of play the game can be restarted with a “kick-in” or the coach may serve in a new ball. Progressions could involve assigning 2 nets to each team to defend and 2 to attack.

Friday, May 18, 2012

U4/5 practices week of May 22

Hello coaches!
You have been doing a great job this week with your practices, I love all the variations on the drills!  Please make sure you email me or ask if you have questions or need help or want me to spend more time with your group.  For this week you will be running your own practices with your teams again, however we will spend the last 10-15 minutes playing a game against another team (horn will signal moving to games and end of games).  A couple of teams will have to use cones for goals and field outline.  We'll keep the fields small.  The rest of practice will be drills, pick from the list or add one or two of your own (you will not get through the list in one day, so should have lots for two days).  See who plays who at the end of this post.  I have added coaching points, the older kids may be able to grasp some of these, many of the three year olds won't....I put them in so you can start giving some guidance around these things to start developing some good habits, but don't get bogged down by them.  It may be as simple as passing using the side of foot and shooting using the inner laces (NOT the TOE).  One more reminder, most of you have noticed that there are not enough of the little nets for everyone to have two, so please try and share them around, some coaches have barely had use of them.  Thanks!!! :)

warm-up/agility:  chain tag, when the person who is it catches someone they link up/hold hands and try to catch others, if chain gets too big break into smaller

warm-up/agility/dribbling: me and my shadow

skill: dribbling - square dance

skill:  passingPirate Pete
(can be found in Active start program)
Divide the players into two teams. Put the teams in two different pinni colors. One team has to run through the channel to get to the treasure (balls). The other team kicks the ball to the player running through the channel mate trying to hit the other team with the ball below the knee as they run through. If players get struck by the ball they have to go back and try again. When players get to treasure (Ball) they bring back a peace back to their ship. Players change roles after a set time. Count the pieces (Balls) each team collects.
Variations Easier (U4): Players can role the ball rather than kick it. Players can carry treasure back in their hands. Parents can help. Harder (U6): Players can shoot the ball. Players can dribble both ways with the ball.
coaching points for passing:
-non kicking/planting foot next to ball
-non kicking/planting foot pointing at target
-strike ball with side of foot with ankle locked

skill: passing/shooting: Topple me Coconuts
(can be found in Active start program)
Split players into 2 teams and have them line-up as shown below. Place balls on top of cones like coconuts. Ask players to alternate making passes/shots to try and knock the ball off of a cone. If a player is successful they can go and retrieve both balls and bring them back to their side. Encourage celebrations!

skill:  shooting
Make 4 goals on each side of the grid (use cones or grab a couple of arches which I will bring to the field).  Put parents/coaches in goals and then have the kids work on dribbling around and shooting on each goal.  Count how many times you score!

coaching points for shooting:
-non kicking/planting foot next to ball
-non kicking/planting foot pointing at target
-strike ball with laces, toe pointed down and ankle locked

skill- numbers game-one net...focus shooting
(Active start plan 3)
Set up a small grid with goal at one end.  Separate players into 2 teams lined up on each side of goal.  Place two cones just a bit further than shooting distance even with corners of goal, and place yourself between with a stash of balls.  Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Call out a number. That numbered player on each team must race around the cones into the field where a ball is played. Players are trying to both defend and score on the same net. Encourage celebrations after a goal! Progress to 2 or 3 players. Add a goalkeeper (might just keep it at one number (set of players) coming out at a time)

scrimmage:  3 v 3 (no goalies)
Tuesday:  team 1 vrs 2     5 vrs 6    9 vrs 10        Thursday:  team 1 vrs 3   5 vrs 7    9 vrs 11
                         3 vrs 4    7 vrs 8   11 vrs  12                                  2 vrs 4   6 vrs  8  10 vrs 12

Work on learning the boundaries of the field (make sure you show and run the kids around the boundary) and when it goes out to run and get it but then listen for the coach for whose ball it is (opposite team from who kicked it out).  I would not worry about throw ins at this point, but do a pass in.  Also practice subbing- sub all players every 2-3 minutes.  And of course the score doesn't matter.  Also work on being a sporting player and team so cheer for the other team at the end.

Snack and social

U6 practice - May 24

I will be at your practices this week.  I will be coming around and working with you and your team (I will not get around to everyone).  I will work with you and your players wherever you are at.  Trying to focus on giving individual players help/feedback etc...  Also use me to demo drills if you need.
As always here is a progression of age appropriate drills.  Use them if you like or your own variations or drills that promote the focus.  Don't feel you have to get through all or use all, choose which you like.  Have fun!

Focus/skill: shooting

warm up/agility:  Coach says (Simon says)
Active warm up in a 15x15 grid...start with no balls.
hopping, jumping, running, skipping, frog jumps etc.... progress to using a ball and using toe taps, dribbling, jumping over ball etc...

dribbling & passing

passing for accuracy:  soccer bowling

skill - shoot and score
(active start plan 5)
Separate team into 2 (or more if possible) as shown. Set up a triangle. The coach stands in the centre of the triangle.  Two lines of players facing coach (who has back to net). Players pass ball to coach and lay it off to player.  Player strikes the ball into the empty goal.
-Coach now plays ball in front. Player takes a touch past the coach with the outside of foot passed the coach and strikes the ball into the empty net.
-Player dribbles towards the coach and takes the touch past the coach and plays into the empty net.

Shooting coaching points (there are a lot, so here are a few)

-planting foot next to ball pointing at target
-strike ball with inside laces (NOT TOE)
-point striking foot down and lock the ankle
-head down, shoulders, hips, knees over ball
-follow through

skill - 3 Goals shooting game
(active start plan 5)
Four teams of three players working in a 25m. x 15m. area. Three teams line up in rows at one end of the playing area ready to attack the goal. The other team has one player in goal and two as target players, standing between two cones, as shown. The first team runs with the ball to the
midpoint line. The first player to cross the midway line shoots at the goal. The second player to cross the line can pass to whichever target player he/she wishes. The third player across the line passes to the remaining target player. All three attacking players then change places with the Goalkeeper and target players they shot at, or passed to. The goalkeeper/target players collect the balls and go to the back of the attacking teams and await their turn.

skill- numbers game-one net...focus shooting
(Active start plan 3)
Set up a small grid with goal at one end.  Separate players into 2 teams lined up on each side of goal.  Place two cones just a bit further than shooting distance even with corners of goal, and place yourself between with a stash of balls.  Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Call out a number. That numbered player on each team must race around the cones into the field where a ball is played. Players are trying to both defend and score on the same net. Encourage celebrations after a goal! Progress to 2 or 3 players. Add a goalkeeper

Scrimmage- try a four goal scrimmage to promote shooting and attacking.  Create a grid and place a goal on each side line.

U8 boys practice - May 22

I will be working with the girls this week.  Here is a basic practice plan.  Ensure you give a good amount of time for the scrimmage at the end as the format of the scrimmage will work on using the wings.  As always, if you have another good drill to promote the skill use it!  And of course don't feel you need to get through all of these drills, pick and choose as you feel appropriate.

Focus skill:  shooting

Warm up/Agility - no balls
Play a game of donkey tails
Half have pinnies as tales in shorts, other half try and get as many pinnies as possible or some variation of this.

Warm up- with balls
Dribble Grid and then play shark

Passing & Receiving Review - try shuttles, continuous passing (groups of 3 or 4)...start two touch, move to one touch, move closer for one touch shuttles.  Idea of pass and move.  Could start drill by having them just dribbling and then moving to passing.  Really focus on coaching points of passing and receiving - especially first touch in the two touch passing.

**Agility Relays - ladders & cones, share around ladders

Skill focus shooting mechanics
Coaching points:
-planting foot pointing at the target
-planting foot next to ball if too far back, ball will go up because you will be forced to lean
-striking ball with inside laces, toe pointed down ankle locked
-knee over ball (of striking foot)
-shoulder over the ball (head down as striking)
-quick snap and follow through
-always strike a moving  ball

skill focus:  shooting
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area

can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)

skill- numbers game-one net...focus shooting 
Set up a small grid with goal at one end/use penalty area.  Separate players into 2 teams lined up on each side of goal.  Place two cones just a bit further than shooting distance even with corners of goal, and place yourself between with a stash of balls.  Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Call out a number. That numbered player on each team must race around the cones into the field where a ball is played. Players are trying to both defend and score on the same net. Encourage celebrations after a goal! Progress to 2 or 3 players. Add a goalkeeper

Scrimmage - try a scrimmage with allies on each side of the field where one designated player from each team plays (no checking or tackling in the allies).  Goal of scrimmage is to use these wings/ally players each time you move to attack.  Must use allies in order to attempt to score on goal.  The player in the ally can play anywhere in the ally but must stay in ally until coach switches their position.
Move to regular scrimmage and use this time to work on items that need attention from your games like throw ins etc...

U8 girls practice - May 22

I am planning on splitting the group in half and working with half the group and their coaches.  The other half of the group will work in part together for the warm up.  Remember we are working on creating a coaching community where all can gain from each other.  Then we will move to coaches working with just their team including the inter-squad scrimmage.  I need to stress that you should be keeping your scrimmages small as it increases the number of touches on the ball each player has and allows players to work on their skills.

Skill focus:  shooting

When I am working with your group, I still want you to coach and jump in whenever/wherever you see fit/have something to add!  I will run the warm up drill(s) but will need you to do the coaching as you know your players names.

U8's  Cassie, Riley & Natalie
          Hrvojka & Renee (I will work with your groups)

**Warm up - Dribble grid - passing grid.  Start with simple dribble grid, but have players partner up.  Play follow the leader, first partner is leader and runs around, cutting in grid while second partner (ball carrier) follows them moving the ball in the pattern of the first.  When the partner with the ball yells stop, the front player stops, ball carrier passes a small pass past them, leader runs onto ball and they switch roles.  Add through the legs, ball and ball carrier, leap frog etc....
Progress to passing in partners and then threes(?), pass and move in the grid, working on nice passes and opening up as you are receiving the ball, good first touch...lots of talk.
I will have the arches at the field, so can use those here in a follow the leader type game, dribbling through arches, when coach says switch, players switch, when coach says passes, either one touch or two touch through the arches.

**Agility Relays - hurdles & cones session (first coaching pair goes first, the second coaching pair will go after first skill drill, or when free.

Skill focus shooting mechanics
Coaching points:
-planting foot pointing at the target
-planting foot next to ball if too far back, ball will go up because you will be forced to lean
-striking ball with inside laces, toe pointed down ankle locked
-knee over ball (of striking foot)
-shoulder over the ball (head down as striking)
-quick snap and follow through
-always strike a moving  ball

skill focus:  shooting
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area

can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)

skill- numbers game-one net...focus shooting 
Set up a small grid with goal at one end/use penalty area.  Separate players into 2 teams lined up on each side of goal.  Place two cones just a bit further than shooting distance even with corners of goal, and place yourself between with a stash of balls.  Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Call out a number. That numbered player on each team must race around the cones into the field where a ball is played. Players are trying to both defend and score on the same net. Encourage celebrations after a goal! Progress to 2 or 3 players. Add a goalkeeper

Scrimmage - try a four goal scrimmage to promote attacking and shooting.  Have coach at a corner of field with balls to serve in after goals are scored.  Have girls cut to ball.  Move to a regular scrimmage when needed.

U10 girls practices - May 22

I am planning on splitting the group in half and working with half the group and their coaches.  The other half of the group will work in part together for the warm up (longer if you want).  Remember we are working on creating a coaching community where all can gain from each other.  Then we will move to coaches working with just their team including the inter-squad scrimmage.  I need to stress that you should be keeping your scrimmages small as it increases the number of touches on the ball each player has and allows players to work on their skills.

When I am working with your group, I still want you to coach and jump in whenever/wherever you see fit/have something to add!  I will run the warm up drill(s) but you will need to coach as you know your players and their names!

 Arlana & Heather
 Nadine & Julie (I will work with your groups)

**Warm up - Dribble grid - passing grid.  Start with simple dribble grid, but have players partner up.  Play follow the leader, first partner is leader and runs around, cutting in grid while second partner (ball carrier) follows them moving the ball in the pattern of the first.  When the partner with the ball yells stop, the front player stops, ball carrier passes a small pass past them, leader runs onto ball and they switch roles.  Add through the legs, ball and ball carrier, leap frog etc....   Progress to passing in partners and then threes(?), pass and move in the grid, working on nice passes and opening up as you are receiving the ball, good first touch...lots of talk.

**Agility Relays - hurdles & cones session (first coaching pair goes first, the second coaching pair will go after first skill drill, or when free.

Partner drill - touch backs in the air
Each pair will have a ball and a cone.  Facing each other about 1.5 m apart.  Partner with ball serves ball in air to partner who uses side of foot to one touch it back to partners hands (5 with R, 5 with L and switch), progress to using the laces.  Between each serve, player jumps laterally over cone.  Remind them to lock their ankles and control weight on the ball.

Skill focus shooting mechanics
Coaching points:
-planting foot pointing at the target
-planting foot next to ball if too far back, ball will go up because you will be forced to lean
-striking ball with inside laces, toe pointed down ankle locked
-knee over ball (of striking foot)
-shoulder over the ball (head down as striking)
-quick snap and follow through
-always strike a moving  ball

skill focus:  shooting
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area

can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)

skill focus: shooting (good warm up for pre games too)
4 corner shooting drill

skill focus:  shooting under pressure
2v2 game

Scrimmage:  try a 4 goal scrimmage to promote attacking and shooting the ball
Set up a 20m x 20m grid with 4 goals in the middle of each side. Coach in one corner to serve balls after they go out or players score.
Move to a regular scrimmage when needed.
Use scrimmage to work on items that come up in games (like throw ins for example) and focus the scrimmage on this.

U10 & U13 boys practice - May 22

Just want to say that I was very impressed by the level of play I was seeing at practice last week from some of your teams!
I am working with the girls this week, so you are on your own and doing a fantastic job.  This week the focus is on shooting...however we are mid-way through the season and if there is something specific from your games that you need to work on now would be the time.  (Email me if you are struggling with something and want ideas on how to teach something etc...).

Warm up:  Quick Dribble grid 3-5 minutes then in that same grid move to passing...split groups into two teams each team with a ball.  Number the players on each team and then have them moving around the grid passing in number order, ie 1 to 2 passes to 3 to 4 to 1 to 2 etc...then have them go backwards 4 to 3 to 2 etc... working on cutting to the ball and calling with purpose (support, through etc...) also work on opening up to the field of play as you receive the pass so you know where your next pass is.  If they are really on top of it, play with only one ball and move so one team is defending...always working in number order if your team has the ball.  So everytime there is a turnover they must start the number order from whoever wins or has the ball if it is 3 they are looking for 4 etc...  (this is an excellent drill for many aspects of the game, you will likely find a number of teachable moments just from how play evolves.
Last part of warm up, in pairs, about 2 metres apart each with a ball.  One player is the server, the other player is the person, striking ball.  Aim to strike ball served/lobbed to partner back to partners hands.   (Optional agility component:  Player striking the ball jumps sideways over their ball before receiving next serve)....Person striking the ball, works 5 on each foot side of foot (then switch roles) then 5 on each foot working the touch back to partners hands (ball always in the air)...starting to prepare for shooting...hitting on the laces.

Agility:  Try just cones for agility this week...keep the session short but snappy.  You might try a line of cones (about 2feet apart) per pair of players (or per two pairs).  One player on each side of the cones one who is the leader and the other who is following trying to mimic follow exactly what the leader is doing for 30 seconds and then switch the leader and the follower.  Start side shuffle so they are facing each other and the leader is shuffling side to side as fast as possible moving to whichever cone but it needs to be a different cone each time.  Then go backwards and forwards.  Have them switch partners.  Remind them to have quick feet and not cross their feet when shuffling sideways.  Quick dynamic stretching focussing on quads, hamstrings and groins.

Skill focus shooting mechanics
Coaching points:
-planting foot pointing at the target
-planting foot next to ball if too far back, ball will go up because you will be forced to lean
-striking ball with inside laces, toe pointed down ankle locked
-knee over ball (of striking foot)
-shoulder over the ball (head down as striking)
-quick snap and follow through
-always strike a moving  ball

skill focus:  shooting
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area

can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)

skill focus: shooting (good warm up for pre games too)
4 corner shooting drill

skill focus:  shooting under pressure
2v2 game

Scrimmage:  4 goal scrimmage to promote attacking and shooting the ball

Set up a 20m x 20m grid with 4 goals in the middle of each side. Select two teams consisting of equal numbers. Call out 2 or 3 players from each team to run onto the field and play against each other and try and score in any one of the four goals until the coach says stop. At which time both groups return to their place behind the goal line and the coach calls another group to play. If the ball goes out of play the game can be restarted with a “kick-in” or the coach may serve in a new ball. Progressions could involve assigning 2 nets to each team to defend and 2 to attack.

U13 Girls practice - May 24

This week you will all run your own practices.  I am not providing a focus for this week as one coach expressed the need to work on some rule items and basic set pieces.  It being mid way through the season, it is a good time to work on any loose ends from games etc.  If you are unsure what to work on, continue working on fundamentals, you can never do too much of this.  There are a number of drills that we have not done from the previous three practice posts, you can always use these.  OR start looking at 1 v 1 situations both offensively and defensively...find a couple of links at bottom of page (Next weeks focus/theme will shooting and goal keeping.).

I will be available to help whomever may need it.  Be it feeding balls, demoing a skill, jumping in and playing etc...  If there is something specific that you want to work on and would like my help during this time please email me.

This does not mean go and play a game against another team for this time period.    

Here is the basic outline (if you haven't picked up on it).

Warm up - with ball
Agility of some kind
skill introduction drill
skill focus drill
skill focus drill (if time)
Inter-squad scrimmage

Some drill ideas for 1 v 1, 2 v 1 or team play below: (1v1 attacking with goalie) (second drill) (coaching principles of play)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

U4/5 practice plan - week of May 15

This week you will run your own practices....start to finish with just your team.  I will be coming around and working with different groups.  The most difficult part will be the transitions between drills, make it fast or you'll loose them!  Here is a basic practice plan that you can use for both days. It's okay if you don't get through everything.  Remember to run/take your players around the boundaries of the area you are using.  Also I've been noticing that some of you haven't been cheering at the end...this is important, kids LOVE the cheer....I'd do it before you crack the snacks!  Also a couple of reminders:  parents/care givers are expected to be at the field with their child ready to participate, a gentle reminder to parents is okay.  If a child does not want to participate, that is is totally okay to sit and watch from the side, have a break etc...  Don't forget to give a water break especially if it's warmer out!

Warm up/Agility:  Freeze Tag
Set up a 20m x 20m grid. Players travel around the grid with a ball. Coach/parent tries to tag the players. When a player is tagged he/she must stand still with legs shoulder width apart and pick up ball. Players are unfrozen when a teammate can dribble a ball through their legs.
Easier (U4): Start with no balls, players hold hands out to side - player freed by going under an arm – progress to under legs Harder (U6): Have players replace coach(es) as taggers.
Harder (U6): Players must perform 2 juggles to unfreeze.

Ball Literacy: Enchanted Forest
Set up a 20m x 20m grid. Scatter cones around grid as “spooky trees”. Other obstacles such as rings, hurdles or larger cones can be used as different challenges. Start by having parent lead player with a ball through the forest avoiding the spooky trees. Players can pick up ball and toss it over the taller spooky trees.
Easier –First explore the forest with no balls. Harder – Have players travel from one end of the forest on their own to rescue mom or dad, who are stuck on the other side. Harder – Have parent chase children through the forest. Switch roles.

Ball Literacy - King/Queen of the Ring

Players have a ball each. Players must keep ball within a defined area . Players are encouraged to kick other balls out of area. When a player has their ball kicked out of the grid, they must leave the grid and practice a skill (3 toe taps etc) and then they should return to grid.  (you will need parents to help guide their kids for this)

Alternatives Easier – Parent and child can play keep away in pairs. Parent letting child
enjoy success

Ball Literacy - Nuts and Squirrels

Teams are divided into 3/4 groups - each group is given a different colored pinni. All the balls positioned in middle square. On coaches command 1 player from each group collects a ball (nut) from the middle. Player dribbles ball back to their triangle (tree) – next player can go when the ball is stopped in the triangle. When the coach stops the game, the team with the most balls (nuts) in their triangle wins the game.
Easier – Instead of dribbling players use hands. Harder – One player from each group is allowed to steal a ball from the other team’s triangle.
You can also get them to pass it back to their team mate/parent

Numbers Games – 2 Goals
Set up a small grid, depending on number of players. Separate players into 2 teams as shown below. Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Call out a number. That numbered player on each team must race around the cones into the field where a ball is placed. Players must attempt to score on their opponent’s goal while defending their own. Encourage celebrations after a goal!
Easier: have them just run it as a race with a ball in their hand and have them throw the ball in goal Easier (U4): Put two balls so each can score goals Harder (U6) – Increase number of players to 2 or 3 to encourage teamwork (grid size may need to increase to accommodate this.)  This may roll right into your small field scrimmage.

Scrimmage: 3 v 3, small field

U6 Practice Plan - week of May 15

U6 coaches - you will run a basic practice with just your group this week.  Focus is dribbling review and passing.  No head coach at your practice today.  Don't forget to give a water break in middle sometime (while you switch up cones?) especially important if it's warmer out!  Email me if you can't log into bytesize coaching.  Don't feel you need to get through all these drills.  Also if you have a drill that works on the theme/focus please use it!!  Have fun!

Warm up/Agility:  Freeze tag
Set up a 20m x 20m grid. Players travel around the grid with a ball. Coach/parent tries to tag the players. When a player is tagged he/she must stand still with legs shoulder width apart and pick up ball. Players are unfrozen when a teammate can dribble a ball through their legs.
Harder (U6): Have players replace coach(es) as taggers.
Harder (U6): Players must perform 2 juggles to unfreeze.

Dribbling review:  Square Dance
feel free to add a few more commands too, toe taps for example
coaching points:
-lots of touches on the ball
-head up to watch for others
-use all parts of your foot to dribble with
-keep the ball close to you

Dribbling game:  North & South & Red & Blue

Passing: Circle Target Game

coaching points for passing:
-planting/non-kicking foot next to ball & pointing at target
-strike ball in middle with side of foot
-firm ankle (no spaghetti feet)

Passing:  Swamps & Crocs
make two lines of cones heading towards the net, the players need to pass to parent/coach and not hit the crocs (cones) and then shoot on net.  Run and grab your ball from the net.  

Passing:  The Yelling Game!

Instructions for the game:
To start the game you pass the ball to any of the players. • The player who is at the receiving end of the pass must inform the team by yelling the
name of the player whom he/she is going to pass the ball. This player must complete
the informing others part before even receiving the pass. • Every next player must do the same thing of yelling the name of another player before
receiving the pass and must immediately pass the ball on to the player whose name he/she yelled.
This exercise of yelling the name of other player even before receiving the pass helps players to think smart and quickly.
Make sure that the players do not stick to one or two names only, so that each player in the team gets the opportunity to be an active player. (kids generally remember their best friends only; make them feel that every other player in the team is their best friend.)
No player passes the ball back to the player from whom he/she received the pass. • The game can be continued for at least ‘n’ number of passes for each player. For a
short practice session, the ‘n’ can be 2 or 3, or you can extend the game for a greater number of passes. It would be best if every player gets almost same number of chances.
Variations that can be introduced:
As an advanced level, you can allow the players to move within a certain specified grid.
A second ball can be added to test the attentiveness of the players.

Small Sided Game: Numbers Games – 2 Goals
Set up a small grid, depending on number of players. Separate players into 2 teams as shown below. Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Call out a number. That numbered player on each team must race around the cones into the field where a ball is placed. Players must attempt to score on their opponent’s goal while defending their own. Encourage celebrations after a goal!
Easier: have them just run it as a race with a ball in their hand and have them throw the ball in goal Easier (U4): Put two balls so each can score goals Harder (U6) – Increase number of players to 2 or 3 to encourage teamwork (grid size may need to increase to accommodate this.)

Cheer at end & then snack and social!

U8 girls practice - May 15

Focus:  Receiving the ball and more passing

I'm with the boys this week, so I thought you could try doing a mass warm up and then some stations and then end with an inter-squad (only your team) scrimmage.  Renee could you keep time and switch the stations every 8/9 minutes.  After dribble grid, get your team to come to your station first and then at Renee's whistle move to next station in a clockwise direction.  Once you have your own team back at end of stations have a scrimmage or play the numbers game to the end of practice.  Have fun!

Warm up:  Dribble Grid (Cassie/Riley will run)
(inside, outside, r foot only, left only, storks, tic tocs, turns, fakes and anything else you want to throw in!)

Now move to stations:  start with own team at your own station!

Agility & non ball warm up:  Link tag (Hrvojka)
and ladders if you want (you will need to grab them out of storage, old bathrooms, door on non river side is usually open, if not find me or Kim for a key)

Passing and receiving with gates (Renee)

Receiving the ball and passing (Cassie & Riley)
Half players with bibs (start as servers), other half of players are receiving the ball.  Start with two touch passing, then one touch, then small tosses to control a higher ball.  Demo receiving on two touch (one touch to control, one to pass), demo a higher tossed ball, get their foot up to receive the pass touch one and then pass back, touch two.    Receive and pass and then cut to a new server, working around to all servers.

Pass and move (Natalie)
Set up a decent sized grid with cones between corners.  Have players pair up, one ball per pair.  Running around grid, they pass to partner and then run around any one of the cones on the outside and then cutting to partner to receive pass.  Working on receiving on the move.  Get them calling for ball.  Nice first touch close to feet.

Back to original groups/your team
Numbers game or scrimmage to end - intersquad
Set up grid/field with two goals. Separate players into 2 teams. Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc on each team. Call out a number. The player called from each team enters into the field to challenge for the ball. The coach sends the ball in and players try to score on opposing side while defending their own side. Have all players start in the goal and act as goalies. Coach can call out more than one number to make 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 situations and promote passing.

Coaching points:
-receiving ball with athletic stance, on toes so ready to respond
-cushion ball
-nice playable first touch
-move to the ball

(passing coaching points-see last weeks post)

U8 boys practice - May 15

Theme/Focus:  control/receiving the ball

Stations again this week as I think with this group it works well as there is little down time for them to get off task.  (I will have you run your own practice next week again as I know some of you like this format too).  5 minutes at start to gather team (explain what we're doing) have them work on keep me ups (juggling) until all teams are ready.  Kim can you or Guy keep time again please?  Switch every 8/9 minutes.  I will be at your practice and I will just move around working with different coaches at their station (coaching with you).  Take either the front two fields or the back two fields - so width (not length like last week).
We are really working on fundamental skills, as without fundamentals it is difficult to move on to more complex tactical skills.

Warm up:  Dribble Grid  (Mike & Tracey)
-we'll switch it up and have players partner up and play a kind of follow the leader.  First person runs around the grid without the ball changing speed, direction etc...partner follows with the ball trying to mimic their partner.  When ball carrier says stop, front person stops, ball gets passed forward on one side of partner, player goes on other, collects ball and they change rolls.  Move to through the legs with ball on stop, then ball and player through the legs, leap frog etc... (I demoed this at the little coaching clinic)

Agility: Jeff
You will have access to hurdles and cones.  Please get hurdles out of storage (old bathrooms door is open on non river side usually...if not find me/Kim for key)

Passing and Receiving cone drill (Brock)
Watch video!!
This might be super challenging for some, get them to just do it super slow to start and get faster as they can.  I would make two lines of cones, line up on opposite ends so they are working both feet.  Working on good first touch

Passing, Receive and move with Gates or Arches  (Kim & Guy)
Please get arches from storage they are along the wall on the ground if you want to use them.

Receiving the ball and passing (Loris)
Half players with bibs (start as servers), other half of players are receiving the ball.  Start with two touch passing, then one touch, then small tosses to control a higher ball.  Demo receiving on two touch (one touch to control, one to pass), demo a higher tossed ball, get their foot up to receive the pass touch one and then pass back, touch two.    Receive and pass and then cut to a new server, working around to all servers.

Numbers Game/Scrimmage (Stace & Marissa)

Set up grid/field with two goals. Separate players into 2 teams. Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc on each team. Call out a number. The player called from each team enters into the field to challenge for the ball. The coach sends the ball in and players try to score on opposing side while defending their own side. Have all players start in the goal and act as goalies. Coach can call out more than one number to make 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 situations and promote passing.

U10 girls practice - May 15

I will be working with the boys so you are on your own.  Someone will run the agility portion of practice as a mass group, then the rest of the time you will be running your own practice with your team (I will put it on blog as soon as I get in touch with that someone!).  Here is a basic outline, feel free to add your own drills if you want as long as they are focussing on passing and receiving.  Also don't feel you have to get through all of these drills!  Make sure you end with a small sided scrimmage/numbers game so players get lots of touches on the ball during this small game.  Also try a passing and receiving under pressure drill today.  And have fun of course!

Focus/Theme:  Receiving the ball

Warm up:  Dribble Grid
inside, outside, right foot, left foot, storks, tic-tocs, turns, fakes, simon says?  anything else you can think of!
Play knock out/shark - either shark gets your ball and you become shark and shark gets to dribble around OR if shark gets your ball, you become a shark too, OR if shark gets your ball 5 star jumps and your back in the game

Agility:  Ladders and cones and dynamic stretching
Arlana will let you know who uses the ladders when.  I will give Arlana the ladders and some extra cones.

skill- receiving the pass.   Half players on outside (of circle) with balls, half on inside of circle no balls.  OR if not enough to do this, have half of players put on pinnies and scatter around grid as servers.  Players on inside make cuts to ball, receive a pass, control the pass and in two touches pass back to outside player, then cut and call for a new ball.  Switch inside to outside and do same (or servers and non servers).  Switch again, try one touch passing.  Switch once more, working on higher balls, thigh height (have players toss ball) work on control (getting foot up to control ball not off leg) and then bring it down and pass back to outside

Passing and receiving on the move
15x15 (or 20x20 if more people) grid cones at corners and along side
one ball between two people, start with simple movement around the grid, pass and cut to space calling for next pass, move to passing and then running around one of the cones on the outside the grid and then cutting into grid to receive the ball.  Talk about change of pace on the cuts (ie. pass...60% to cone, 80% around cone to receive pass)
Focus on cushioning ball on the move but making that first touch playable, not stuck to your foot.  Receive with a nice firm ankle and the side of the foot.

Passing and moving, super basic drill  (if just need to work on basics, use this)
Set up two lines of cones, passing distance apart.  Pass across to opposite side, follow pass.  Receive with one foot, pass with the other.  Once ball gets to end dribble ball back to start of line.  Get a second & third? ball going to ensure people are alert and on their toes.  Just watch video for drill pattern, you will note that they are not doing a good job of receiving with one foot and passing with the other.  I really want you to work on this good first touch.

Receiving the ball under pressure:
Create a 15x15 grid, one person at each corner with ball, or have two with balls and two without so there are passing options.  Two people in ctr of grid one is the attacker and one the defender.  Attacker has to cut to ball, receive and return the ball or use a passing option

*Still wanting to work on first touch(you can never work on first touch too much!)...try this drill.

First touch and Pass Drill
Watch video!!
This may be more challenging for some, get them to just start slow and get faster as they can.  I would make two lines of cones, line up on opposite ends of two lines so they are working both feet and less standing.  

Passing & receiving under pressure - circle drill, two defenders, play keep away working on good first touch and possession.  This could lead to scrimmage.

Numbers game or scrimmage to end - intersquad
Set up grid/field with two goals. Separate players into 2 teams. Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc on each team. Call out a number. The player called from each team enters into the field to challenge for the ball. The coach sends the ball in and players try to score on opposing side while defending their own side. Have all players start in the goal and act as goalies. Coach can call out more than one number to make 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 situations and promote passing.  This too could lead to scrimmage.

Scrimmage - small sided games, small field work on shorter passing game.  

coaching points receiving:
-be in ready/athletic position, balls of feet
-make first touch playable, not too far ahead
-receive with side of the foot, firm ankle

U13 boys and girls AND U10 boys practice - week of May 15

On Tuesday May 15 (U10 boys) & Thursday May 17 (U13 Boys and Girls) I will be at your practices.

Focus skill:  receiving the pass.  Ball control

I am planning on splitting the group in half and working with half the group and their coaches.  The other half of the group will work in part together as some of the drills are better with a few more bodies.  So probably the first portion of drills (with stars) should be done with a second team.  Remember we are working on creating a coaching community where all can gain from each other.  Then we will move to coaches working with just their team including the inter-squad scrimmage.  I need to stress that you should be keeping your scrimmages small as it increases the number of touches on the ball each player has and allows players to work on their skills.  

When I am working with your group, I still want you to coach and jump in whenever/wherever you see fit/have something to add!  Ensure you do at least one of the lower drills where they are passing & receiving under pressure.

Here are the coach pairings:
U10 boys:  Corbet & Alan/Rory/Sandy
                   Adrian/Jose & Matthew (I will be working with your groups)

U13 boys:  Chris & Lucie/Aidan/Quinton
                   Al & Susan/Alex (I will be working with your groups)

U13 girls:  Randy & Amanda/Erica
                   Gerald & Kevin (I will be working with your groups)

**Warm up - Dribble grid - passing grid.  Start with simple dribble grid, but have players partner up.  Play follow the leader, first partner is leader and runs around, cutting in grid while second partner (ball carrier) follows them moving the ball in the pattern of the first.  When the partner with the ball yells stop, the front player stops, ball carrier passes a small pass past them, leader runs onto ball and they switch roles.  Add through the legs, ball and ball carrier, leap frog etc....   Progress to passing in partners and then threes(?), pass and move in the grid, working on nice passes and opening up as you are receiving the ball, good first touch...lots of talk.

**Agility & Dynamic stretching- short ladders, hurdles, cones session (first coaching pair goes first, the second coaching pair will go after first skill drill, or when free.

**Receiving the pass.  Circle drill Working two teams together.  Half players on outside with balls, half on inside of circle no balls.  Players on inside make cuts to ball, receive a pass, control the pass and in two touches pass back to outside player, then cut and call for a new ball.  Switch inside to outside and do same.  Switch again, try one touch passing.  Switch once more, working on higher balls, thigh height (have players toss ball) work on control (getting foot up to control ball not off leg) and then bring it down and pass back to outside

First touch and Pass Drill
Watch video!!
This may be more challenging for some, get them to just start slow and get faster as they can.  I would make two lines of cones, line up on opposite ends of two lines so they are working both feet and less standing.  Working on good first touch

Receiving the pass, box drill  (this is a super basic shuttle drill only use if need to stay basic).  Four cones (square) and one cone in the middle, two or three people at each corner.  Ball at two corners, dribble to line opposite you leaving ball with person at front of line.  Working a continuous shuttle motion (quick review of dribbling).  Add a ball at each corner for increased difficulty, forcing them look up as they go through the ctr of grid.   Move quickly to passing half way, just past ctr. cone, once they have cleared the busy middle.  Progress to passer playing a super passive defence so first touch is around the defender.  Then to increase difficulty and thinking, dribble to middle, pass square one way and cut opposite direction.

Triangle drill from last week, pass to one partner, run between two partners to receive next pass, work on opening up for pass and receive with one foot, pass with the other.
staying with the square working on a support type pass:  see part two of diagram:

Receiving the ball under pressure:
Create a 15x15 grid, one person at each corner with ball, or have two with balls and two without so there are passing options.  Two people in ctr of grid one is the attacker and one the defender.  Attacker has to cut to ball, receive and return the ball or use a passing option

Passing & receiving under pressure - circle drill, two defenders, play keep away working on good first touch and possession.  This could lead to scrimmage.

Scrimmage - small sided games, small field work on shorter passing game, compass of support.

coaching points receiving:
-be in ready/athletic position, balls of feet
-make first touch playable, not too far ahead
-receive with side of the foot, firm ankle

plus revisit passing coaching points from last week (see last weeks post)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

U 4/5 stations for May 8 & 10

Coaches, you again will just be running your one station.  Thursday is Pirate day, so everyone is going to dress up like pirates, please remind your players and parents about this.  So, on Thursday, you need to make your station pirate like. Next week we will get you to run an entire practice with your group and see how it goes.

This week I will be spending time coaching with each group.  I will stay for one or two rounds of your drill and coach with you.  Helping and modelling "good practice".

*****Please note station changes for Thursday below*****

Follow the leader (Captain Hook or some other famous piratee person on Thursday)
              (Blake & Alicia)  (Dave)
Each child partners with his/her parent and finds space inside the playing area not too close to other pairs. As well as being purposeful each exercise described should be treated as fun/inventive and is performed alternately by the child and parent together. Jogging forward – child follows parent – parent weaves around the area. As coach shouts change they quickly switch roles:
As above but skipping, hopping (one foot), bunny hopping (two foot) giant steps, walking backwards
Coach calls out commands, touch ground with hand, sit down, stand up, dive and roll on ground etc

Jungle Run (Britt & Danica)  (Kris & Mel)
see byte sized coaching under games or follow link below:

Shark/British Bull Dog/Pirates (Thursday)?  (Jordan & Jill)  (Jamie & Steph)
15 x 15 grid or so.  Have players (fish/pirates) with balls on one end of the grid and coach (shark) in the middle, the players need to get to the other side of grid to get to the sunken ship/pirate ship or to safety.  If the shark tags you before you reach the other side (then you become a shark/it too).  First round play no balls just running, second round play that the players need to dribble the ball to the other side.

Scrimmage       (Chris & Kim)  (Heather & Anna)
3v3 put parents in goal, keep area small.  Celebrate the goals!!!  Try to encourage a pass.  If ball goes out goes out, get kids to bring it over to the place where it went out, put it down and kick it in (to someone on their team).

Swamps and Crocodiles    (Keith & Helen)  (Jordan)
(remember the video from the Active start course....)
see byte sized coaching
make two lines of cones heading towards the net, the kids need to pass to parent/coach and not hit the crocs (cones) and then shoot on net.

Topple me Coconuts  (Tami & Koreen)   (Lili & Alei)
(Active Start session 8 and there is video too)

Split players into 2 teams and have them line-up as shown below. Place balls on top of cones like coconuts. Ask players to alternate making passes/shots to try and knock the ball off of a cone. If a player is successful they can go and retrieve both balls and bring them back to their side. Encourage celebrations!
Easier (U4): Start with rolling the ball across a smaller distance.

Thursday - Pirate day stations.....RRRRRR mateees!

Follow the Pirate (see follow the leader above) (Kim & Chris) (Heather & Anna)

Scrimmage (pirates vrs sailors)  (Britt & Danica) (Jordan C)

Shark/Pirate/British Bulldog (see above)  (Tami & Koreen) (Kris & Mel)

Pirate Pete (Active start, coach demo)    (Keith & Helen) (Dave)
Divide the players into two teams. Put the teams in two different pinni colors. One team has to run through the channel to get to the treasure (balls). The other team kicks the ball to their team mate trying to hit the other team with the ball below the knee as they run through. If players get struck by the ball they have to go back and try again. When players get to treasure (Ball) they bring back a peace back to their ship. Players change roles after a set time. Count the pieces (Balls) each team collects.
Variations Easier (U4): Players can role the ball rather than kick it. Players can carry treasure back in their hands. Parents can help. Harder (U6): Players can shoot the ball. Players can dribble both ways with the ball.

Pirates of the Carribbean   (Blake & Alicia) (Lili & Alei)
To begin you will need to get the kids excited about playing soccer. Tell the young players that this game is "...a fun game called pirates of the Caribbean. What noise do pirates make?" The kids will make an 'arghhh' noise. Then you need to tell them that pirates love treasure and the treasure is down the other end of the island.
The kids will need to go one at a time and pick up one piece of treasure (cone/pinney/anything else you want to add in) and bring it back to the pirate ship.
1. To get the young 3 and 4 year olds to understand this game, play the first round without soccer balls.
2. The second time they should kick a soccer ball down with them.
A nice little progression to this and other kids soccer drills is adding cones so the kids have to weave in and out of them before getting to the treasure. By placing the cones down the young players have to dribble the soccer ball in different directions - not just straight.
(diagram on the link)

Pirate Ship (Jordan & Jill)  (Jamie & Steph)
You will need to mark out an area big enough so that the young players can comfortably dribble their soccer balls around without constantly bumping into others. The kids (and yourself) will need a soccer ball each.

The game starts with each child having a ball at their feet and being told that the game is called the pirate ship and that the marked out area is the 'ship' they must stay on.
Begin simple by getting the kids to dribble around the ship and throw in a couple of coaching points such as inside/outside of the feet to dribble and changing directions.  Then one-by-one tell the kids to 'freeze' or stop and introduce a new command for them to do. This is where the fun starts and the soccer skills are implemented.
The different commands are as follows:
"The captain's coming" = the kids stop, place one foot on the ball and salute the captain by saying "ay, ay captain!"
"climb the riggin" = on the spot the kids do 'toe-taps' on the ball and with their hands climb up an imaginary ladder.

*****repeat previous commands - repetition is good in this game*****

"Scrub the decks" = on the spot the kids roll the ball backwards and forwards using the bottom of their foot. Use both feet!
"Polish the decks" = on the spot, this time the kids will move the ball from left-to-right using the bottom of their foot.
"Captain's wife" = the kids love this one. All they do is freeze, put one foot on the ball, hands on their hips and go 'oooh la la'

*****Remember to demonstrate each command every time and with lots of energy*****

"Starboard turn" = the kids (perhaps without knowing it) will learn a quick turn here known as the dragback/pull-back turn. Get the kids to stop, put one foot on the ball, and roll the ball behind them using the bottom of their foot.
"Man overboard" = the kids dribble quickly to the edge of the ship (area), place their foot on the ball, hand on their forehead as if their looking for somebody. On your command the kids wil continue dribbling.
"Fire the Cannon" = the kids kick their soccer ball using the inside of their foot as away as possible outside of the ship toward other pirates. Once all bnalls have been kicked the kids can retrieve their soccer balls and carry on dribbling.

*****What I did with this game was played it as a warm-up every session with the same kids and every time introduce a new command. The kids will not get bored of this game*****

"Seagulls are coming" = You pretend to be a seagull who wants to eat their soccer ball. The kids on hearing this command will drop to the floor quickly and protect their ball with their body and hands. You should run around the ship with your arms out like a bird until you tell them to carry on dribbling.