Theme this week: Goal Keeping
-we will look at the role of the goal keeper (review this with players)
-using hands and catching properly idea of scooping and locking the box
-rolling the ball out after save
Ready position
Bowling technique and scooping and locking the box
Catching Grips
Warm up: GK ball (10 min)
-a fun game where players get the idea of rolling and throwing the ball and picking it up (work on scooping up technique ensuring the legs aren't to far apart that ball and go through them)
-20x30 yard grid with goals or make 5 mini goals to try and roll through
-may not run with ball
-no tackling only interceptions
-3 secs with ball before must move it
Agility/Tag type game: 5 min
Game: 10 minutes
Regular soccer with goal keepers. Every time someone saves a goal or takes a shot they rotate into goal might be a way to quickly rotate goalies and give everyone a chance in net.
Circle Game/Drill
start with passing(review passing cues from last week) and then play same game with underhand rolling the ball to practice rolling again....bowling technique
Square Drill
Purpose: to work on shuffling without crossing feet and quick movements while working on catching and rolling ball
Check proper hand position and make sure keepers are using good footwork to get behind the ball and are moving forward to meet the ball. Remind them that anything above the waist requires a "fingers up" ("W") catch, below the waist is a "fingers down" (basket) catch.
-two squares, one in the middle which is smaller and then one on the outside...the smaller one on the inside is essentially four small goals that the keeper will side shuffle around the outside to receive a pass/shot, so have each small goal facing a corner on the outside. Put two goal keepers in the middle and then a player with a ball on the outside at each cone.
Have the keepers shuffle around the outside of their cones and receive a shot or pass from each corner and then roll ball back...have them switch off positions when you feel they are ready.
Musical Balls/Coach says
In a 15x15 grid. Spread balls around. Coach says running around grid, shuffle, etc... when coach says ready position all players show appropriate ready position. When coach says ball, all players jump/dive on a ball, last person on a ball gives their ball to coach or just play with all balls....or anyone who doesn't get a ball does 5 jumping jacks, toe taps, catches etc... Throw in whatever fun commands you like.
Game: two teams, two goals, two goal keepers, play the beautiful game. Coach goal keeping and starting out the play from a roll out.
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