focus: finishing or shooting
Coaching points:
-planting foot pointing at the target
-planting foot next to ball if too far back, ball will go up because you will be forced to lean
-striking ball with inside laces, toe pointed down ankle locked
-knee over ball (of striking foot)
-shoulder over the ball (head down as striking)
-quick snap and follow through
-always strike a moving ball
Warm up:
Game: 4 goal soccer
coach finishing/scoring/attacking
Pick a few of the following, there are lots!
Skill session: shooting
set up as in videos or against fence to work on actual striking of the ball and using proper technique the videos review technique
Shooting lay off drill
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate. Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area
Can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)
four corners shooting drill
Remember to keep the players moving.
shooting under pressure
2v2 game
I like this one!
World Cup - play teams of 2 or 3 and if you lose the round your team goes in goal with the goalie
Numbers Game: two teams (put one in pinnies), two goals, number each group of players, attack to score, can do individual numbers or call groupings of numbers
Game: Just play the beautiful game but coach shooting skills. You may want to bring goals close together so players can have opportunities to take lots of shots.
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