Sunday, September 29, 2013

U6/7/8 fall soccer week 4

focus:  finishing or shooting

Coaching points for shooting:
-non kicking/planting foot next to ball
-non kicking/planting foot pointing at target
-strike ball with laces, toe pointed down and ankle locked.

-follow through to target
Skill focus shooting mechanics

Warm up/Agility:  Follow the Coach 
(instead of parent partners just use partners) have the agility items set up and the arches so they have different challenges
Each child partners with his/her parent and finds space inside the playing area not too close to other pairs. As well as being purposeful each exercise described should be treated as fun/inventive and is performed alternately by the child and parent together. Jogging forward – child follows parent – parent weaves around the area. As coach shouts change they quickly switch roles

move to:
As above but skipping, hopping (one foot), bunny hopping (two foot) giant steps, walking backwards
Coach calls out commands, touch ground with hand, sit down, stand up, dive and roll on ground etc

Play a game:  4 goal soccer
Coaching shooting.

Fun little preamble to practice shooting technique

You might want to head to the fence and work on shooting hit the coach (run down the line)

skill focus:  shooting
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area.
Can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)

Shoot and Keep:  Coach passes ball to player positioned 10 meters outside the goalie area.
Player takes one touch of ball then shoots to score on net. Player must shoot before the penalty area. The player then goes in net. Keep players moving by having them quickly receive and shoot ball then become goalkeeper. 
Progression: if you get scored on sit out. Play until you have a winner.
Focus on players properly kicking a moving ball and goalkeepers practicing the skills they worked on last week.
Kids love this activity!

Clean your room/messy room

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