Sunday, September 29, 2013

U4/5 fall soccer week 4

focus:  finishing/scoring

Coaching points for shooting:
-non kicking/planting foot next to ball
-non kicking/planting foot pointing at target
-strike ball with laces, toe pointed down and ankle locked

warm up:
Obstacle Course: use your imagination and create an obstacle course.  Land mines/ lots of cones to dribble through, hurdles to jump over, arches to crawl under or jump over, cones to go around, ladders creative!

Nuts and Squirrels 
this time do a round with a goal in each corner and they have to shoot it into the net 
15 x 15 grid - 4 small goals or "hoarding areas/trees" on sides or corners of grid.....all balls (nuts) in middle of grid.  Kids (squirrels) in pairs or 3's depending on numbers in each goal/hoarding area.  Coach shouts "go" players take turns running into the middle and dribbling back a ball back hoarding area (trying to get as many nuts as they can), when there are no balls left in the middle coach yells "steal" or something else appropriate and then they may try and steal nuts from anywhere (other hoarding areas).  No defending the nuts!  After they understand the game, have them pass the ball back to their team/house.

Shoot on mom, dad, coach etc....
Set up four goals and kids are to dribble around and shoot and score on each parent, might have a place that they have to dribble around before they can go and shoot on someone else

Soccer Bowling
(if it's cold, you'll want to have a few lanes so to speak)
Soccer bowling (shooting/passing accuracy)
Topple me Coconuts 
Split players into 2 teams and have them line-up as shown below. Place balls on top of cones like coconuts. Ask players to alternate making passes/shots to try and knock the ball off of a cone. If a player is successful they can go and retrieve both balls and bring them back to their side. 
Crocs and Swamps
make two lines of cones heading towards the net, the kids need to pass to parent/coach and not hit the crocs (cones) and then shoot on net.ach side of the grid (use cones or grab a couple of arches which I will bring to the field).  Put parents/coaches in goals and then have the kids work on dribbling around and shooting on each goal.  Count how many times you score!

1 v 1 attack
two goals, have half team on each side line, when you call their names they go and challenge a ball that you roll in, each team having a goal they need to score on

Numbers Game-one net...focus shooting (might split into two groups of two teams)
Set up a small grid with goal at one end.  Separate players into 2 teams lined up on each side of goal.  Place two cones just a bit further than shooting distance even with corners of goal, and place yourself between with a stash of balls.  Number players 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Call out a number. That numbered player on each team must race around the cones into the field where a ball is played. Players are trying to both defend and score on the same net. Encourage celebrations after a goal! Progress to 2 or 3 players. Add a goalkeeper (might just keep it at one number (set of players) coming out at a time)
Game:  2 teams, two goals

U6/7/8 fall soccer week 4

focus:  finishing or shooting

Coaching points for shooting:
-non kicking/planting foot next to ball
-non kicking/planting foot pointing at target
-strike ball with laces, toe pointed down and ankle locked.

-follow through to target
Skill focus shooting mechanics

Warm up/Agility:  Follow the Coach 
(instead of parent partners just use partners) have the agility items set up and the arches so they have different challenges
Each child partners with his/her parent and finds space inside the playing area not too close to other pairs. As well as being purposeful each exercise described should be treated as fun/inventive and is performed alternately by the child and parent together. Jogging forward – child follows parent – parent weaves around the area. As coach shouts change they quickly switch roles

move to:
As above but skipping, hopping (one foot), bunny hopping (two foot) giant steps, walking backwards
Coach calls out commands, touch ground with hand, sit down, stand up, dive and roll on ground etc

Play a game:  4 goal soccer
Coaching shooting.

Fun little preamble to practice shooting technique

You might want to head to the fence and work on shooting hit the coach (run down the line)

skill focus:  shooting
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area.
Can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)

Shoot and Keep:  Coach passes ball to player positioned 10 meters outside the goalie area.
Player takes one touch of ball then shoots to score on net. Player must shoot before the penalty area. The player then goes in net. Keep players moving by having them quickly receive and shoot ball then become goalkeeper. 
Progression: if you get scored on sit out. Play until you have a winner.
Focus on players properly kicking a moving ball and goalkeepers practicing the skills they worked on last week.
Kids love this activity!

Clean your room/messy room

U9/10/11 fall soccer week 4

focus:  finishing or shooting

Coaching points:
-planting foot pointing at the target
-planting foot next to ball if too far back, ball will go up because you will be forced to lean
-striking ball with inside laces, toe pointed down ankle locked
-knee over ball (of striking foot)
-shoulder over the ball (head down as striking)
-quick snap and follow through
-always strike a moving  ball

Warm up:

Game:  4 goal soccer
coach finishing/scoring/attacking

Pick a few of the following, there are lots!

Skill session: shooting
set up as in videos or against fence to work on actual striking of the ball and using proper technique the videos review technique

Shooting lay off drill
simple activity of two lines, each kid with a ball facing coach/team mate.  Pass to coach or team mate who lays off the ball to side for a shot
(first drill on page) - worry less about if they are shooting in or out of penalty area
Can adapt this drill slightly and add a defender, where the coach/player who was initially receiving for layoff, now this player is the attacker (back to net), defender behind them, attacker receives pass and needs to turn and play a shot on goal (have defender play dummy to start and play tight...then move to live defender)

four corners shooting drill
Remember to keep the players moving.

shooting under pressure
2v2 game
I like this one!

World Cup - play teams of 2 or 3 and if you lose the round your team goes in goal with the goalie

Numbers Game:  two teams (put one in pinnies), two goals, number each group of players, attack to score, can do individual numbers or call groupings of numbers

Game:  Just play the beautiful game but coach shooting skills.  You may want to bring goals close together so players can have opportunities to take lots of shots.

Monday, September 23, 2013

-Week 3: U4/5
Further dribbling and passing practice.

Dribbling points:
*Remember to demo dribbling skills.
Cues:  lots of touches on the ball, keep ball close
Passing points:
-non kicking/planting foot next to ball
-non kicking/planting foot pointing at target
-strike ball with side of foot with ankle locked
- keep the ball close

Warm up:  Animal island.
In a 15x15 grid have each corner identified with different color cones.
Players are told that they are on an island and they are to try their best to survive. They can always find safety somewhere on the island.
They are deer and the island is full of logs to over. They are to run around the island jumping over the logs. Watch out a forest fire is coming they must run to the _____ corner to safety.
You are now a rabbit jumping around the island, however here comes a fox (coach), players must run to _____ corner to safety.
Have players stand on edge of grid and jump into the water. They can pretend to swim around the island.
Make up other animals and challenges such as being an eagle, or crab etc.
The goal is to have them moving and stretching and of course having fun.

Please choose a few activities that players either really enjoyed or ones you did not get to in the first two weeks.

Finish the practice with a short game.

Week 3: U6/7/8
Review of dribbling and passing.

Warm Up:

Dribble Grid/Square Dance (review that when dribbling with defenders keep the ball close with lots of touches) get them using all parts of their feet including the sole to roll it back and forth, toe taps (storks), stopping and turning etc..
Transition into players passing ball to a partner within the grid. Encourage them to be moving around the grid (rather than standing in one place) and passing to partner. You may have them run around a cone and then receive a pass, then the passer runs around a cone to receive a pass. 

Game: Coach Can Play
20x15 field. Two goals, two teams, but coach always plays for the team that has the ball and models good movement and passing skills. Do not be afraid to stop the game and have players spread out to become more available to receive a pass. 

Shark (where if they have their ball taken away by you they become a shark with you) play it British Bull dog style where all the fish have to get to the reef on the other side without the shark getting their ball...if you the shark gets their ball then they become a shark with you.  Fish swim when the sharks call out SHARK!!

Circle dance:
Half of the players on outside of circle with a ball each at their feet. Other half of group on the inside of circle. Players on inside receive and return passes from players on the outside. Focus on firm, accurate passes.  

Choose one or two activities from the previous two weeks.

Game: Good old soccer game for 10-15.
Week 3: U9/10/11

Review of dribbling and passing skills.
See previous posts for key points.

Mass warm up:
Dribble grid - players dribbling in space following directions from coach ...
using left and right foot as well as different parts of the foot (inside, outside, sole, heel), changing direction and speed. Dynamic stretching also incorporated such as toe taps, storks, burpees, ball under bum ....
Transition into passing warm up with pairs of players passing to each other in grid. Coach to review communication such as square, support, time.

Game: Uneven game.
In a large grid, play 8 vs 4 or equivalent where larger number of players try to make 5 passes in a row.
Defenders with pinnies when they win the ball try to make 3 passes. Losing team does 5 pushups or situps. Encourage players to use the whole playing area and to make triangles to ensure there is always space.

Skills developers:

Circle dance:
Half of the players on outside of circle with a ball each at their feet. Other half of group on the inside of circle. Players on inside receive and return passes from players on the outside. Focus on firm, accurate passes.  Transition to players receiving balls and having an option to pass to any player on the outside. Encourage outside players to communicate using man-on, time or turn. Outside players need to be calling for the ball.

1v1 Dribbling Attack

Passing with gates/arches
Gates allow you to adjust the size (again video reviews coaching points)

Breakaway: Two nets, two goalies and two players.
Players start at half line. Challenge is to see how many goals each player can score in one minute.
Each player dribbles towards opposite nets and shoot on goalie, then return to center line to dribble ball towards opposite net. Continue until minute is up. 
Players not involved in activity can be seeing who can do the most juggles without ball hitting the ground

Feel free to do any of the activities from the past two weeks. 

Game: Allow players to play game for 10-15 minutes.

Week 3: Tuesday, September 24
Greeting coaches.
Sorry for taking so long to get this blog together. Kendra is much more timely with her blogs.
We are going to review our first two skills we have been practicing the past couple of weeks: dribbling and passing. This will give you an opportunity to do some of your favorite activities again as well as run those activities that you did not get time to. I will be posting more information later tonight.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fall Soccer Week 2: U4/5

Focus skill:  passing

coaching points for passing:
-non kicking/planting foot next to ball
-non kicking/planting foot pointing at target
-strike ball with side of foot with ankle locked

Warm up:

Pirate Ship
Grid is a Pirate Ship, talk like a pirate and get them excited.
You are the captain, here are the commands, introduce them 2 at a time.
-"Captain's coming/Salute the captain"....stop dribbling and put foot on ball and salute you
-"Scrub the decks" = on the spot the kids roll the ball backwards and forwards using the bottom of their foot. Use both feet!
-"Climb the rigging".....toe taps (and make the hands climb too)

-"Man overboard" = the kids dribble quickly to the edge of the ship (area), place their foot on the ball, hand on their forehead as if their looking for somebody. On your command the kids wil continue dribbling.
-"Fire the Cannon" = the kids kick their soccer ball using the inside of their foot as far away as possible outside of the ship toward other pirates. Once all balls have been kicked the kids can retrieve their soccer balls and carry on dribbling.
-"Seagulls are coming" = You pretend to be a seagull who wants to eat their soccer ball. The kids on hearing this command will drop to the floor quickly and protect their ball with their body and hands. You should run around the ship with your arms out like a bird until you tell them to carry on dribbling.

Numbers Game:

Pirate Pete
(can be found in Active start program)
Divide the players into two teams. Put the teams in two different pinnie colors. One team has to run through the channel to get to the treasure (balls). The other team kicks/passes across the channel to partner trying to hit the other team with the ball below the knee as they run through. If players get struck by the ball they have to go back and try again. When players get to treasure (Ball) they bring back a piece back to their ship (they can dribble or carry it depending on their level). Players change roles after a set time. Count the pieces (Balls) each team collects.
Variations Easier (U4): Players can role the ball rather than kick it. Players can carry treasure back in their hands. Parents can help. Harder: Players can shoot the ball. Players can dribble both ways with the ball.

Nuts and Squirrels 
(can be found in Active Start plans session 1)
15 x 15 grid - 4 small goals or "hoarding areas/trees" on sides or corners of grid.....all balls (nuts) in middle of grid.  Kids (squirrels) in pairs or 3's depending on numbers in each goal/hoarding area.  Coach shouts "go" players take turns running into the middle and dribbling back a ball back hoarding area (trying to get as many nuts as they can), when there are no balls left in the middle coach yells "steal" or something else appropriate and then they may try and steal nuts from anywhere (other hoarding areas).  No defending the nuts!  After they understand the game, have them pass the ball back to their team/house.

Soccer Bowling
Soccer bowling (shooting/passing accuracy)

Crocs and Swamps
make two lines of cones heading towards the net, the kids need to pass to parent/coach and not hit the crocs (cones) and then shoot on net.ach side of the grid (use cones or grab a couple of arches which I will bring to the field).  Put parents/coaches in goals and then have the kids work on dribbling around and shooting on each goal.  Count how many times you score!

Game:  2 teams, two goals

Fall Soccer Week 2: U6/7/8

Focus skill:  passing

Warm up:  Donkey Tails
then obstacle course that includes agility and dribbling review

Game: try end zone score must receive a pass in the end zone from a team mate....if too confusing, just make two mini goals and say no goalies and you must pass it in to score
Passing and Receiving Triangles
Simple drill passing and following your pass.  Working on receiving with one foot and passing with the other.
Just watch video to get idea of pattern of drill...

Passing - with feeders
20x20/15x15 grid.  Put half the kids in pinnies (they are the feeders to start) and have feeders spread out around the grid.  The other kids are receivers, they cut to a ball and call for a pass, receive pass and pass it back to feeder, then cut to a new ball.  (good time to talk about weight of pass and appropriate passing distance (DEMO this)).  Then switch the feeders and the receivers. 

Pac Man (also known as Kick the coach)

Gird (15x15), all kids have ball and try to hit you with a pass (you don't want to be hit).  Working on good passing technique.  You may have to create a zone for you that the kids can't enter (small square in middle of grid and then move to no square and everyone moving).
(this video alsoo demos passing technique with cues.)

Clean Your Room.
Split grid in half and place half of player in each half grid with balls.  They must PASS not kick ball into other half of grid, keeping your half or room clean until coach says done.  Count balls in each half.

GAME:  two goals, two teams, play

Fall Soccer U11/10/9

Focus Skill:  passing

Passing cues:
-planting/non kicking foot next to ball, pointing at target
-strike ball with side of foot
-firm ankle
-follow through to target
-loose hips
(ensure you talk about weight of the pass and appropriate passing distance)

Warm up:  Donkey Tails
-pairs passing in grid, pass and then do dynamic stretches for 3 or 4 count and then receive the ball back (dribbling around while waiting for partner) while other partner does dynamic stretches for 3 or 4 count.  Also work on calling.  Move to passing and then cutting around a cone on the outside of grid and then receiving pass from partner.  Work on change of pace and nice firm passes around grid.  (Work on both feet!!)

Game:  end zone soccer but you have to pass to a team mate in the end zone to score.....need to make it harder, make two goals in the corners and they have to pass through the goals.

Passing and Receiving Triangles
Simple drill passing and following your pass.  Working on receiving with one foot and passing with the other.
Just watch video to get idea of pattern of drill...

Passing - with feeders
20x20/15x15 grid.  Put half the kids in pinnies (they are the feeders to start) and have feeders spread out around the grid.  The other kids are receivers, they cut to a ball and call for a pass, receive pass and pass it back to feeder, then cut to a new ball.  (good time to talk about weight of pass and appropriate passing distance (DEMO this)).  Then switch the feeders and the receivers. 

Passing with gates/arches
Gates allow you to adjust the size (again video reviews coaching points)

Grid with arches/mini goals.  Pairs - one ball between two, one dribbling around grid, one following, when coach says passes, pairs find a mini goal or arch and do passes through the gates.  (coach can say a number or just have them pass until you say dribble again.  
Move to (take arches/gates out) and have one partner (one without ball) run around a cone on the outside and then call for ball and receive a pass then the partner that just passed runs around a different cone and receives a pass etc....

Passing under pressure.  15x15 grid, one player at each corner, one offence and defence in the middle, the offensive player must receive and play a pass to each player on the outside while keeping from being intercepted b defender, as in video but all service is on the ground.
need to take it back a notch, play 3v1 in a grid, if D gets ball, then two of their team mates come in and play 3 v 1 against the other D, or play 4v1 continuous, where if D intercepts or gets the ball they pass to their team mates in the other grid or the coach plays ball into grid two for that D's team mates to play and one of the opposing team comes in as the defender, always switching the defender.  Goal of game is to maintain possession!
need even more basic:
passing around square working on opening up and good first touch play where players are on outside of cones in grid, the cones being defenders...gradually add a live defender and move inside the square.

Game:  two teams, two goals, just the game

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fall Soccer Week 1: U4/5

Focus Skill:  Dribbling

*Don't forget to always demo as the kids don't always know the "lingo" and how you want to see it done!
Cues:  lots of touches on the ball
           little touches, keep the ball close

Set up:  Grid

Warm up:  frozen tag, if you get tagged pick up ball and stand with legs apart, freed if someone kicks ball between legs (can start with no balls and play regular frozen tag and then move to balls)

Play a small sided game for 5 minutes using 1 or 2 balls, encourage dribbling.

Have all kids dribble (show them) around the grid and when you shout superman/woman, everyone dives on the ball (lie on ball so it's under chest) and puts arm up like superman/woman, when you shout batman, they put foot on ball and pretend to fly, when you shout Spiderman they put foot on ball and pretend to spin a web (spidyhands), when you shout Hulk, they pick up ball and squeeze it and roar like the hulk. 

Shark/British Bull Dog
15 x 15 grid or so.  Have players (fish/pirates) with balls on one end of the grid and coach (shark) in the middle, the players need to get to the other side of grid to get to the sunken ship/pirate ship or to safety.  If the shark tags you before you reach the other side (then you become a shark/it too).  First round play no balls just running, second round play that the players need to dribble the ball to the other side.

Indy 500 - make lots of engine sounds

Coach Count Down

Game:  play the beautiful game.

Fall Soccer: Week 1 U6/7/8

Focus skill:  dribbling

*Don't forget to demo the drills and the skills!

Warm up:  3 zone game

Game:  play 4 goal soccer, two teams, the goal is to attack and dribble through the goals in order to score.  Each team can score on any of the goals.  Make sure you as the coach has a good stock of balls. You might have to put some stipulations on such as complete 3 passes before you score etc...

Skill practice:
Review what good dribbling looks like and how it differs depending on if their are defenders or not

Dribble Grid or Square Dance
-have them work on pulls, toe taps/storks, attack the space, stop, turn, go around a cone on the outside etc...

In grid either play British Bull Dog style where group dribbles from one side of grid to other and if Shark gets your ball you become a shark....or Destroyer style, where if you get knocked out by coach you do 6 toe taps etc...and then rejoin the game...or both

Red Light, Green Light with variations

Numbers Game

Game:  regular scrimmage style game, two goals, two teams, regular rules, small sized for 10-15 minutes.  Coach attacking space with the ball or dribbling.

Fall Soccer Week 1: U9/10/11

Focus Skill:  Dribbling

*Demo the skills and drills!!

Dribbling cues
(with defender):
-ball close, lots of touches, use all parts of foot
-keep body/hip between you and defender(shield so you can see player and the big)
-head up
(fast, break away style dribbling)
-ball still in control but pushed further ahead
-ball pushed forward with laces, toe pointed down
-head up 
for technique tips on dribbling in a fast break situation

Warm up:
Red Light, Green Light with variations
or Dribble Grid

Game:  End Zone Soccer
Create your field with end zones and to score kids have to dribble into end zone and stop ball dead.  Promote attacking the space.  You may need to put stipulations in such as 3 passes before you attempt to score etc...

Skill Developer

Dribble Grid (if you didn't do this in warm up)

Turn & Burn
Divide players into two teams – put one team in pinnies. One team starts on one end of the grid with a ball each. Objective is for players with the ball to dribble towards the players without, who remain stationary. The coach shouts “Turn” and the players with the ball turn and try to dribble back to their starting line before their partner. Move to when coach yells turn, that the defender or player without the ball can try and steal the ball before getting to the "safe line".  Take turns having both teams being attackers/defenders. Do not eliminate players who lose their ball. Let them have another go.  (Coach can keep score for fun if you want and make the winning team sing???)

Cone Goals Game

1v1 Dribbling Attack

Game:  play the beautiful game, two teams, two goals, regular rules!