Wednesday, April 29, 2015

U8 practice #2 (week 1)

Kendra will be at your practices today.

Focus skill:  passing

Passing cues:
-planting/non kicking foot next to ball, pointing at target
-strike ball with side of foot
-firm ankle
-follow through to target
-loose hips
(ensure you talk about weight of the pass and appropriate passing distance)

Warm up:  Donkey Tails
Give half the players pinnies to tuck into their shorts like tails.  The half without pinnies chase players in the grid to try to steal a pinnie, if successful they tuck it in their shorts and the person who they stole from has to then chase to steal.

then obstacle course that includes agility and dribbling review

Game: try end zone score must receive a pass in the end zone from a team mate....if too confusing, just make two mini goals (arches work well) and say no goalies and you must pass it in to score

Technical Session focus: passing (25-30 minutes)

Passing and Receiving Triangles
Simple drill passing and following your pass.  Working on receiving with one foot and passing with the other.
Just watch video to get idea of pattern of drill...

Passing - with feeders
20x20/15x15 grid.  Put half the kids in pinnies (they are the feeders to start) and have feeders spread out around the grid.  The other kids are receivers, they cut to a ball and call for a pass, receive pass and pass it back to feeder, then cut to a new ball.  (good time to talk about weight of pass and appropriate passing distance (DEMO this)).  Then switch the feeders and the receivers.

Pac Man (also known as Kick the coach)
Gird (15x15), all kids have ball and try to hit you with a pass (you don't want to be hit).  Working on good passing technique.  You may have to create a zone for you that the kids can't enter (small square in middle of grid and then move to no square and everyone moving).
(this video alsoo demos passing technique with cues.)

Clean Your Room.
Split grid in half and place half of player in each half grid with balls.  They must PASS not kick ball into other half of grid, keeping your half or room clean until coach says done.  Count balls in each half.

GAME:  regular small sided scrimmage

U10 practice #2 (week 1)

Great work at the first practices coaches.  Rory will be at the boys and Kendra at the girls practices today).

Focus Skill:  passing

Passing cues:
-planting/non kicking foot next to ball, pointing at target
-strike ball with side of foot
-firm ankle
-follow through to target
-loose hips
(ensure you talk about weight of the pass and appropriate passing distance)

Warm up:  Donkey Tails
-pairs passing in grid, pass and then do dynamic stretches for 3 or 4 count and then receive the ball back (dribbling around while waiting for partner) while other partner does dynamic stretches for 3 or 4 count.  Also work on calling.  Move to passing and then cutting around a cone on the outside of grid and then receiving pass from partner.  Work on change of pace and nice firm passes around grid.  (Work on both feet!!)

Game:  end zone soccer but you have to pass to a team mate in the end zone to score.....need to make it harder, make two goals in the corners and they have to pass through the goals.

Passing and Receiving Triangles
Simple drill passing and following your pass.  Working on receiving with one foot and passing with the other.
Just watch video to get idea of pattern of drill...

Passing - with feeders
20x20/15x15 grid.  Put half the kids in pinnies (they are the feeders to start) and have feeders spread out around the grid.  The other kids are receivers, they cut to a ball and call for a pass, receive pass and pass it back to feeder, then cut to a new ball.  (good time to talk about weight of pass and appropriate passing distance (DEMO this)).  Then switch the feeders and the receivers.

Passing with gates/arches
Gates allow you to adjust the size
(again video reviews coaching points)

Grid with arches/mini goals.  Pairs - one ball between two, one dribbling around grid, one following, when coach says passes, pairs find a mini goal or arch and do passes through the gates.  (coach can say a number or just have them pass until you say dribble again.
Move to (take arches/gates out) and have one partner (one without ball) run around a cone on the outside and then call for ball and receive a pass then the partner that just passed runs around a different cone and receives a pass etc....

Passing under pressure.  15x15 grid, one player at each corner, one offence and defence in the middle, the offensive player must receive and play a pass to each player on the outside while keeping from being intercepted b defender, as in video but all service is on the ground.
need to take it back a notch, play 3v1 in a grid, if D gets ball, then two of their team mates come in and play 3 v 1 against the other D, or play 4v1 continuous, where if D intercepts or gets the ball they pass to their team mates in the other grid or the coach plays ball into grid two for that D's team mates to play and one of the opposing team comes in as the defender, always switching the defender.  Goal of game is to maintain possession!
need even more basic:
passing around square working on opening up and good first touch play where players are on outside of cones in grid, the cones being defenders...gradually add a live defender and move inside the square.

Game:  two teams, two goals, just the game

U13 practice #2 (week 1)

Great start to the season coaches.  Kendra will be coming by your practices on Thursday.

Just a reminder with the GAG coaching philosophy, try and manipulate the first game you play and leave the game at the end to just play soccer.  It's okay to stop and reinforce the skill in the final game but try keep it as the game itself and see how players apply what you have worked on.

Focus skill for Thursday:  Passing

Coaching points:

-planting/non kicking foot next to ball, pointing at target
-strike ball with side of foot
-firm ankle
-follow through to target
-loose hips
(ensure you talk about weight of the pass and appropriate passing distance)

warm up
two parts:
Pairs passing in grid, pass and then do dynamic stretches for 3 or 4 count and then receive the ball back (dribbling around while waiting for partner) while other partner does dynamic stretches for 3 or 4 count.  Also work on calling.  Move to passing and then cutting around a cone on the outside of grid and then receiving pass from partner.  Work on change of pace and nice firm passes around grid.  (Work on both feet!!)
then agility
drill #1 is a quick feet with cones drill
drill #2 incorporates ladders and balls (passing and dribbling...definitely focus on two touch passing)

Game:  Endzone Soccer
Instead of goals create end zones and players must pass to a player who receives the ball to feet in the end zone to score.

technical session:  passing (DEMO the skill and the drill!)

Passing through gates drill
work on two touch technique to start progress to one touch.
grid, with arches/gates (small with cones).  Have players in pairs work around to the different mini gates an do a set number of passes at each gate.
proceed to:

Figure 8 continuous passing drill
Groups of 3.
Outside people each have a ball.  Middle person is running figure 8 around outside people and as they come into the middle they call to receive pass from player they are facing (two touch, move to one touch back to that player, then run around them (or cone incase it's a bad pass) and do same on other side.  Switch after 10 passes.

Simple passing drills with movement
follow your pass drill

Kids like it!  Enforce that all passes are on the ground.

A few other fun drills: (pass and turn) (two ball passing drill)

Passing & Support – Square to Sqaure
You may want to try this one.

· Set-up area 20x10m
· Divide players into groups of four.
· One group in possession against one opponent in one 10x10m square.
· One square vacant to begin with.
Coaching Points:
· Accurate passes with good ball speed.
· Open your body to the play when receiving a pass.
· Support in triangles – wide and deep.
· Don’t support too close to the ball. Remember: distance = time.
1. Two groups compete against one another as follows: Four red players v 1 white player in a one square, with three white players resting outside the square at the halfway line. The coach serves the ball to the red team and they must make at least three passes after which they can pass the ball into the next square for one of the group to run onto. If successful all four red players move into the next square and, again try to get at least three passes and play back into the original square. If the red team is successful the defending white player steps out and a new defender enters the next square attempting to win the ball. If the red team should pass the ball out of bounds, or the defender wins the ball, the coach serves the next ball into the other square to the white players and one of the reds becomes a defender, while the other rest outside the area. Every successful movement from one square to the next = 1 point. First team to 10 points is the winner.
Progression: As above but 3v1 in one square, with fourth player in other square. Switch squares with a pass to the fourth player.

GAME!!!  (15's okay if you go over time....)

Monday, April 27, 2015

U4/5 Practice #1 April 29/15

Welcome Coaches!  Its finally here, the day you have all been waiting for, the first day of soccer!

Find your team's number on the field and get set up.  You will need to mark out a square grid for drill games to be played in.  Set up your pop-up net if it has not already been set up for you.

There are no scheduled games with another team today, so you will be staying in your space for the entire session and having a scrimmage within your own team at the end.  Use pinnies for this and make a second goal with your large cones.

Don't forget to introduce yourselves!

For a lot of these kids, it is very likely that it is their first time participating in an organized sport.  You may have a wide range of abilities and comprehension when it comes to the drills and games.

Remember that some of the youngest players may be "done" after 30 minutes.

If players choose to carry the ball around instead of kicking it, thats ok!  Just keep on encouraging them to kick it.  Keep your instructions short and SHOW them what you want them to do.

Even if you don't think that you are a soccer superstar, to these little guys and gals, YOU ARE :)

HAVE FUN!!!  If you all only had a dime for how often I am going to say this, you could all be rich.  This is something that I can't stress enough!

At 4:30, the horn will blow to signal that it is time to move to a game.  All players will be playing on two opposite teams.  Don't worry if the teams are uneven, you can jump in as necessary.  Have parents play along with their child, especially if he or she is hesitant to join in.

Before the game starts, help players to learn the the boundaries by running around the perimeter of your field.  The perimeter could be a cliff, lava, quicksand, or whatever you like.  Create a story to make it appeal to your players.

If the ball goes out, just kick a new ball back in.  Throw-ins will be introduced later in the season.

We want players to have as many touches on the ball during the game, so you could introduce a second ball if you feel this would help.

Although the game is not the best use of time at this age, it is good to begin to play it and it is the expectation of the parents that their child will (hopefully!) engage in this.  However, if you feel that your team is not ready for the game today, feel free to carry on with the drills.

At 4:45 pm the horn will blow again to indicate the end of the session.  Don't forget to have a big cheer at the end of the game, for BOTH teams.  Everyone gets and gives high fives.

It is now SNACK TIME :)  Might be a good time to talk to the parents on your team if you have not done so already.

It is worth it at the first practice to spend some time on introductions and getting to know your players, so you realistically will not have time for everything below.  Choose 3 or 4 that you will likely have time for, but review the others in case you need a backup plan.  Whatever you do, be enthusiastic!  This goes a long way, and I know that you all have it in you :)

Focus Skill - DRIBBLING
Skill Points - lots of little touches on the ball
                   - keep the ball close to you
                   - try to look up

1. WARM UP - Follow the Leader and/or Freeze Tag
Follow the Leader
Players partner with their parent inside the grid.  Parent follows child as coach calls out commands such as skipping, hopping (1 foot, 2 feet), giant steps, tiny steps, backwards, , touch ground with hand, etc.  When coach calls out "Change", child then follows their parent.  Make sure everyone knows to stay inside the grid!
Freeze Tag
Start without soccer balls.  When you get tagged, freeze until someone comes and unfreezes you.   (Show them how to freeze with legs apart and arms up and out)  Then move to playing with soccer balls and have players dribbling around until they get tagged.  To be unfrozen now, someone must pass the ball between your legs.  (Demo this)

2. Superheros
Have all players move around by dribbling in the grid.  When you shout different superhero names, there are different things to do for each.  Start simple with only one or two, and add as you go.
"Superman" = everyone dives on the ball and lies with it under the chest with arms out like Superman
"Batman" = put foot on the ball pretend to fly
"Spiderman" = put foot on the ball and pretend to shoot webs
"Hulk" = pick up the ball and squeeze it and roar like the Hulk!
(Don't forget to demonstrate what all these look like!)

3. Red Light, Green Light
Have all players move around by dribbling in the grid.  Coach is shouting commands such as
"Red Light" = stop
"Green Light" = go
"Go speeding" = go faster
"Crash" = dive on the ball
You can add more "lights" if you want.  Be creative!

4. Indy 500 / Race Track
This was covered at the Active Start coaching course, and can be found in the plan for Week #2.
Make an oval-shaped "race track" with cones that parents and kids run/"drive" around in, and a square "pit" for the start with all the soccer balls.  Players start at the pit with their parent.  Players "start their engines-vroom! vroom!" and dribble the ball around in a clockwise direction, following their parents.  Don't forget to make car sounds while driving!
Start by running the course first without soccer balls to reinforce where the boundaries are.
This can be made easier by having players carry the ball, or harder by having players do this without a parent to follow.
Switch directions if it is going well!

5. Shark
Played inside your grid.  Players are the "fish" and line up on one end of the grid with soccer balls.  Coach is the "shark" and is in the centre of the grid.  When coach calls out "Shark!", players try to get to the other side without getting tagged by the shark.  If the shark tags you, you become a shark too.
Play the first round without soccer balls, and play the next rounds with players dribbling.
(This game is similar to British Bulldog)

U6 Practice #1 April 29/15

Welcome Coaches!  I hope that you are all excited about today as I am!

Find your team's number on the field and get set up.  You will need to mark out a square grid for the drill games to be played in.  Make sure that you have 2 pop-up nets in your area.

When your players arrive, don't forget to:
Introduce yourself and get to know your players names.
Review player code of conduct (remind about equipment & jewellery & fair play)
You will practice until 5:40 when the horn will go and you will then play your game.
Don't forget to give lots of water breaks.
Don't feel you have to get through all the drills!
Have fun!!  If you are having fun, so are your players :)

Focus Skill - DRIBBLING
Skill Points - lots of little touches on the ball
                   - keep the ball close to you
                   - try to look up

1. WARM UP - Freeze Tag
Start without soccer balls.  When you get tagged, freeze until someone comes and unfreezes you.   (Have them show you how to freeze with legs apart and arms up and out as most should know this by now I think )  Then move to playing with soccer balls and have players dribbling around until they get tagged.  To be unfrozen now, someone must pass the ball between your legs.  (Demo this)

2. Square Dance
Players are dribbling with a soccer ball in the grid while coach calls out commands.
"Stop" = by putting foot on the ball and freeze like a statue
"Go" = move fast, any direction
"Turn" = change direction
Get players using all parts of their feet including the sole to roll it back and forth.  Once it is going, you can add more.  Introduce:
 "Storks" = toe-taps on the ball with alternating feet
"Tick Tocks" = rolling the ball between your feet using the inside of the foot
"Change" = players leave their ball and resume dribbling with a different one
You could also add in any goofy thing to keep it fun.  It doesn't necessarily have to be soccer-oriented, and the sillier the better!
Reinforce that when dribbling with defenders keep the ball close with lots of touches
(This can be found in your coaching binder with Byte Sized drills)

3. Shark
Played inside your grid.  Players are the "fish" and line up on one end of the grid with soccer balls.  Coach is the "shark" and is in the centre of the grid.  When coach calls out "Shark!", players try to get to the other side without getting tagged by the shark.  If the shark tags you, you become a shark too.  This seems to be a favourite game with any age of player.
(This game is similar to British Bulldog, and can be found in your coach binder with Byte Sized Drills as Square Dance with Sharks)

4. Optional Quick Scrimmage
A good time to review the game and basic rules before playing "the game" at the end.  Play with just your own team.  Review rules as things occur: when the ball goes out it is the other teams ball, throw ins (all the way behind  head, throw the way you are facing, feet must stay on the ground, use two hands) and goal kicks.

5. Soccer Island/Fun House
In a larger grid (Island) create a fun house where they fly to go and do a skill (toe taps, pulls, dribble around a cone, whatever other fun(ny) thing you want them to do in the fun house.
Variation could be when you say fly, they can't be tagged by you the coach.

6. Rock Soccer
Mark out a grid, and mark out a smaller "ball box" in the back of each teams grid.  Make two teams.  Put all the soccer balls at centre.  On "go" each team tries to get as many balls into their "ball box".  When all balls are gone from centre, players may go and steal balls from the other teams "ball box".  Your choice if you want to allow checking or just getting as many balls as you can...perhaps progress to checking.

Horn for matches.
Don't forget to cheer and shake hands post game!

Snack!  If you haven't had a chance to talk to your parents yet, now is a good time to do so :)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

U8 practice #1 (week 1)

Hello coaches.  Welcome to the 2015 season!  This year to keep it simple I am just going to number the practices and you do the practice number that you are on.  If you find you need more time on a skill, do one drill from the previous week too as a review.  It could be part of your warm up even or just add the drill at the start of the technical/skills session and tell the kids you are reviewing from the previous practice.  PRACTICE #1 is in this post, practice #2 will be posted on Wednesday.
**Pick 2-3 drills for the technical session - I always provide lots so you can pick what you like....or use your own great dribbling drills.

Find a space on the field.  Introduce yourselves and get to know players names (they may not know everyone on the team either).  Review code of conduct and expectations:  (equipment, jewelry, fair play, being on time etc...)
Hand out uniforms (if you have them).

Theme/Focus:  Dribbling

Dribbling cues
(with defender):
-ball close, lots of touches, use all parts of foot
-keep body/hip between you and defender ensure you can see ball and defender
-head up
(fast, break away style dribbling):
-ball still in control but pushed further ahead
-ball pushed forward with laces, toe pointed down
-head up 
for technique tips on dribbling in a fast break situation

WARM UP: (5-7 min)
soccer tag & Freeze tag - no balls to start, if you get tagged, freeze until someone comes and unfreezes you (show them how to freeze, legs apart, arms up and out)....then move to playing with balls, if you get tagged person unfreezes them by passing the ball between your legs (demo this).  You are dribbling around until you get tagged.

GAME:  (optional) Inter-squad scrimmage (two teams) with 4 goals and to score you must dribble the ball through the goal (10min max)

Activities to focus on skill of dribbling: (20-25min)

Dribble Grid/Square Dance
Grid, working on dribbling and ball control.  Can do this in pairs or individually...just adjust accordingly.

Players form pairs and find some space inside the square with one ball between two. (Or every player has a ball and set up 4/5 arches or small goals with cones in grid) One player in each pair starts with the ball, while the other rests. Players trade places on the coach’s command. The activity begins with the first player in each pair moving the soccer ball around the playing area using his/her feet and reacting to the coach’s commands:
1. Guide the ball with your feet as you weave in and out of the resting players/arches.
2. As above but on the coach’s signal run to the nearest cone on outside (ensure you have enough cones on outside as players) and take the ball in a circle around it using the inside/outside (your command) of your foot. Keep alternating from right foot to left foot.
3. “change”, players stop the ball, leave it and quickly go and get another’s ball and continue dribbling around the area.
4. “legs”, players try to pass the ball through the legs of as many resting partners/arches as they can before the coach says stop (Coach ask all resting players to stand with their feet apart).
5.  try commands like stop, turn (180 degree turn), toe taps on the ball, hard to space etc...
the video is on the right hand side V-snippet or V-in depth.

Directions Dribbling
Grid, coach/parent (4 in total!) on each side of grid with ball or pinnie.  Coaches/parents instructed to raise pinnie/ball to signal kids to be dribbling towards them.  Working on changing direction.  Can add coach attack at end once kids have hang of the change ups and the coach runs in trying to obtain balls

Red Light, Green Light - Purple Light?
-can be played one of two ways, free lance in the grid video 1 or from one end of the grid to the other, video 2
the video is on the right hand side V-snippet or V-in depth.

Shark/Cow Dogs/Shrimps & Crabs
Elect one player to be the shark or coach can be the shark for first round.  Players dribble from one end of grid to other trying not to have their ball taken by the shark, if they get your ball you become a shark too or a cow dog/crab (can only get ball from crab position or from knees).
the video is on the right hand side V-snippet or V-in depth.

Fast break on goal -with live defender
Two lines, staggered so attacker has about a 3 foot/1 metre advantage (or whatever is appropriate).  Coach has balls between the two lines.  Coach yells go and attacker dribbles (ensure you coach the different style of dribbling here) towards goal attempting to shoot and score before defender catches them.  If defender gets ball, play is dead

GAME:  just play the beautiful game, two teams, two goals (at least 10 minutes!)

U10 practice #1 (week 1)

Hello coaches.  Welcome to the 2015 season!  This year to keep it simple I am just going to number the practices and you do the practice number that you are on.  If you find you need more time on a skill, do one drill from the previous week too as a review.  It could be part of your warm up even or just add the drill at the start of the technical/skills session and tell the kids you are reviewing from the previous practice.  PRACTICE #1 is in this post, practice #2 will be posted on Wednesday.
**Pick 2-3 drills for the technical session - I always provide lots so you can pick what you like....or use your own great dribbling drills.

Find a space on the field.  Introduce yourselves and get to know players names (they may not know everyone on the team either).  Review code of conduct and expectations:  (equipment, jewelry, fair play, being on time etc...)
Hand out uniforms (if you have them).

Theme/Focus:  Dribbling

Dribbling cues
(with defender):
-ball close, lots of touches, use all parts of foot
-keep body/hip between you and defender ensure you can see ball and defender
-head up
(fast, break away style dribbling):
-ball still in control but pushed further ahead
-ball pushed forward with laces, toe pointed down
-head up

for technique tips on dribbling in a fast break situation

WARM UP: (10 minutes total)
Dribble Grid/Square Dance 
(use stop, go, turn, fake, storks/toe taps, tic-tocs commands) ADD SOME DYNAMIC STRETCHES

-play a fun game of shark, where coaches or a few players are the sharks(without balls) and try and knock the other players balls out of the grid, if your ball is knocked out 5 storks and back into the game OR if your ball is knocked out the player who knocked it out gets your ball and you become a shark.
soccer tag
Each player has a ball, if tagged, they freeze with foot on the ball and legs apart.  A player unfreezes them by passing the ball between the frozen persons legs (demo this).  You are dribbling around until you get tagged or have them kiss soccer balls.

GAME: intersquad scrimmage two teams, 4 goals (situated one on each side of field/grid OR two on each end, a per corner.  To score must dribble through the goal (10 min max)

Technical Session (25 min), Activity: Dribbling

Dribbling Agility
If you feel your players could use more time working on dribbling under close control using all parts of feet and no pressure spend some time doing this drill, you could build in some agility too.  Remember to keep the lines short and moving.

Turn and Burn

Focus – Ball Literacy
Divide players into two teams – put one team in pinnies. One team starts on one end of the grid with a ball each. Objective is for players with the ball to dribble towards the players without, who remain stationary. The coach shouts “Turn” and the players with the ball turn and try to dribble back to their starting line before their partner. Move to when coach yells turn, that the defender or player without the ball can try and steal the ball before getting to the "safe line".  (Remember you are teaching dribbling and turning).  Take turns having both teams being attackers/defenders. Do not eliminate players who lose their ball. Let them have another go.  (Coach can keep score for fun if you want and make the winning team sing???)

1v1 Attack - dribbling with a trailing defender

Dribble, shoot, score
Mark out a goal.  About 20-30yards out two lines (mark with cones), staggered, offence (with balls) line in front, defence line about 2ft behind Coach shouts go, offence/attacking player dribbles towards goal trying to get in as many touches on ball (keep it close!) as possible before shooting on net trying not to let defending players catch up to them and take their ball.

1v1 Attack- beating a defender

GAME (at least 10 minutes)
small sided scrimmage, two teams, two goals, play the beautiful game.  

U13 Practice #1 (week 1)

Hello coaches.  Welcome to the 2015 season!  This year to keep it simple I am just going to number the practices and you do the practice number that you are on.  If you find you need more time on a skill, do one drill from the previous week too as a review.  It could be part of your warm up even or just add the drill at the start of the technical/skills session and tell the kids you are reviewing from the previous practice.  PRACTICE #1 is in this post, practice #2 will be posted on Wednesday.
**Pick 2-3 drills for the technical session - I always provide lots so you can pick what you like....or use your own great dribbling drills.

Find a space on the field.  Introduce yourselves and get to know players names (they may not know everyone on the team either).  Review code of conduct and expectations:  (equipment, jewelry, fair play, being on time etc...)
Hand out uniforms (if you have them).

Theme/Focus:  Dribbling

Dribbling cues
(with defender):
-ball close, lots of touches, use all parts of foot
-keep body/hip between you and defender ensure you can see ball and defender
-head up
(fast, break away style dribbling):
-ball still in control but pushed further ahead
-ball pushed forward with laces, toe pointed down
-head up

for technique tips on dribbling in a fast break situation

WARM UP (5-10 minutes)
Dribble Grid/Square Dance

GAME: 4 goal soccer.  (10 minutes)
Teams can score on any of the four goals to encourage attacking the goal.  Have stipulation that they must dribble through the goal to score to emphasize controlled dribbling.

Technical Session, Activity: Dribbling (25min)

Dribbling Agility
If you feel your players could use more time working on dribbling under close control using all parts of feet and no pressure spend some time doing this drill, you could build in some agility too.  Remember to keep the lines short and moving.

1v1 Attack to line
-15x12 grid
-45-60 second games rotate
-stop on line to score
-play kings court type style

Dribble Attack
2 players per ball, inter‐ passing, when coach yells “go”, one tries to beat the other & dribble through a mini‐goal. Only 1 goal can be scored at each goal.

Dribble, shoot, score 
Mark out a goal.  About 20-30yards out two lines (mark with cones), staggered, offence (with balls) line in front, defence line about 2ft behind Coach shouts go, offence/attacking player dribbles towards goal trying to get in as many touches on ball (keep it close!) as possible before shooting on net trying not to let defending players catch up to them and take their ball.

Steal the Bacon
Create a small field two goals.  Have players line up on either side of feeder halfway on side of grid.  Send ball out, players race through goals and try to win the ball and dribble through the goal at opposite end.

GAME:  two teams, two goals, play the beautiful game (10-15 minutes)