Welcome to the von Bremen soccer blog. I hope you will find it a useful tool in your coaching! Once the season starts please check back weekly.
Important dates: BC soccer coaching courses
Friday April 19
Active Start - U4/5/6
4-7 / 7:30 at Begbie View Elementary
Facilitator: Dante Zanatta
Saturday April 20
Fundamentals U7/8/9
8-4 at Begbie View Elementary
Facilitator: Dante Zanatta
Please visit bcsoccer.net for more details on each course.
I will say that these courses are time well spent, you come out with many new drill and game ideas as well as a better understanding of coaching the specific age group. BC soccer has new methodology which is covered in the courses briefly as well.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me vonbremen@hotmail.com.